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  • Proposed Contract Form Changes, Broker Succession Rule Adopted During August 2024 TREC Meeting

    The Texas Real Estate Commission met August 19 in Austin for its third meeting of the year. The Commission adopted a new rule addressing broker succession. In addition, several form changes were recommended by the Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) and proposed by the Commission, which means you can provide your public comment on these changes now. Read on for more updates.

  • Broker-Lawyer Committee Recommends Form Updates for August Proposal

    BLC members sitting in the meeting room around the table at TREC headquarters.

    The Texas Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) met twice in July to discuss its routine work of reviewing TREC’s forms, but also to discuss potential changes to the TREC contract forms as a result of the proposed NAR settlement related to compensation.

  • Message From TREIC Chair Lee Warren: July 2024

    The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met on July 15 at TREC headquarters in Austin.

  • Becoming a Broker: BRAC Weighs Experience Vs. Education

    Two men at a table with various journals and papers placed on top, as well as a laptop. They're looking at the laptop. One man is seated with a pen in hand. They are working in an open office space.

    During its July 18 meeting, the Broker Responsibility Advisory Committee (BRAC) reviewed the over 42 pages of public comments it received regarding education and experience required to become a broker. This has been a topic of discussion throughout multiple iterations of the former Broker Responsibility Working Group.

  • ESAC Recommends Course Outline Changes, Discusses Course Proctoring and ID Verification

    The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC)  met on July 8. Here are the highlights.

  • Coming July 15: Update to Posting CE, SAE Course Credit

    In an effort to ensure accuracy and the timeliness of posting course credit, TREC is updating the Posting System and all forms of course credit reporting to require the license holder’s last name. The last name and license number must match those stored in our database for credit to be awarded.

  • New Process for Borrowers Who Want Their Appraisal Values Reconsidered

    Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have created new guidelines for Reconsideration of Value (ROV) policies with clearer expectations for lenders, appraisers, and borrowers.

    ROVs are used when borrowers wish to appeal an appraisal when they believe the opinion of value is unsupported, deficient because of unacceptable appraisal practices, or reflects discriminatory practices.

  • Sunset Advisory Commission Invites Public Input on the Texas Real Estate Commission

    The Sunset Advisory Commission is conducting a special-purpose review of the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). By law, the scope of the review is strictly limited to reviewing the legally required disclosures made by a seller of real property and the associated disclosure forms developed by TREC. Sunset staff welcomes public comments related to this topic.

  • Rule Spotlight: Responsibilities, Operations of CE Providers

    Continuing Education (CE) providers play a key role in ensuring real estate professionals receive ongoing training. TREC Rule 535.75 outlines important responsibilities that CE providers must adhere to.

  • 4 Tips for Submitting a Real Estate CE Course Application

    Want your real estate continuing education (CE) submission process to go more smoothly? Use this checklist each time you submit an application.

    Double Check the Course Fee(s)

    Remember, CE course fees must be calculated based on the following information. All courses must include the base fee and content review fee. In addition to the base and content review fees, fees for each delivery method in which the course will be offered are required.


  • From the Chair - November 2020

    I hope this message finds you recovering from Halloween and the election. In these uncertain times, I urge us all to focus on what matters to us most. November brings Thanksgiving, and with that a unique opportunity to give thanks. This year is one for the record books, but I am grateful to live in the great state of Texas.

  • From the Chair - Inspector Committee - October 2020

    The Inspector Advisory Committee met on October 12 via teleconference.  There were some public comments submitted in response to the newly proposed Consumer Protection Notice, and most of the feedback was positive.  The new notice includes verbiage to inform consumers that inspectors are required to carry E&O insurance, and that inspectors have the ability to limit their liability through the use of an agreement between themselves and their client. 

  • From the Executive Director - October 2020

    October is here. It is finally cooling off outside and the hints of fall in the air give me a spirit of optimism for our future.  I hope that is true for you too.

  • From the Deputy Executive Director - Inspector Committee - September 2020

    After almost two years of effort on the part of the Inspector Committee to restructure and streamline the education and substitute experience requirements for inspector licensure, the Commission adopted rules at its August meeting to implement the proposals recommended by the Committee. This long-overdue revamp of these requirements remove redundancies in the current rules and simplify the process to become an inspector in Texas.

  • From the Chair - September 2020

    We have made it another month in the virtual environment, and I don’t know about you, but I am ready to see folks in person again.  The agency continues to work primarily remotely with a high level of productivity, maintaining a call hold time of under 2 minutes, and processing 5 months of renewals after the COVID extensions expired.  

  • From the Executive Director - August 2020

    Hello to each of you. I hope you and your families are safe and well.   

  • From the Chair - Inspector Committee - July 2020

    The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee met via teleconference on July 20th.  The agenda was reasonably short this time around.  The education rules which change the pre-licensure process were proposed at the previous Commission meeting, and they have gone through the public comment period.  After considering the comments received, the Inspector Committee voted to forward the rules as proposed, along with some non-substantive changes made as a result of questions raised by the Go

  • From the Deputy Executive Director - Inspector Committee - July 2020

    The agency has been busy over the last several months adjusting to the new norm resulting from the COVID-19 virus. We are operating almost 100% remotely, with only essential staff coming into the office to process mail, or deal with the various technical issue that arise from a remote workforce.

  • From the Chair - July 2020

    Last weekend we celebrated our country's 244th birthday.

  • From the Executive Director - June 2020

    Greetings to you upon the beginning of summer. I hope each of you continues to live well in this COVID-19 season. This is a season in which the burdens of each of us are personal and unique.   Our agency will do what we can to ease whatever burdens possible.   

  • New Filing Requirements for HOAs

    During the 87th regular session, the Texas legislature passed SB 1588 related to Home Owner Associations (HOAs). This bill requires TREC to establish a database to accept management certificates from HOAs.

  • Broker-Lawyer Committee Appointments Announced

    The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce the appointment of two broker members to the TREC Broker-Lawyer Committee. Broker members Dianne McCoy and Mary Miner were appointed at the August 2021 Commission meeting with terms set to expire in 2027.

  • Have You Noticed Longer Hold Times with TREC?

    As a result of the healthy Texas real estate market, the agency has seen an increase in new applications and longer hold times.  TREC is committed to providing superior customer service to anyone who reaches out to the agency. Part of that commitment is a dedication to ensure short hold times and quick responses to emails.

  • May Coffee with The Commission Video

    In case you missed it, we have published the May "Coffee with the Commission" session. TREC Chair, Scott Kesner and TREC Executive Director, Chelsea Buchholtz discussed the latest from the May TREC Commission meeting and answered your questions about recently adopted rules, the legislative session, upcoming events, and more. 


  • UPDATE: Business Entity Licenses Restored

    Broker business entity licenses were inactivated in error on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The issue is resolved, and all licenses are restored.

  • Proposed and Adopted Rules from the May 2021 Commission Meeting

    During the May Commission meeting, rules relating to the Inspector Standards of Practice (SOP) were proposed. These proposed revisions are the product of many meetings of the Inspector SOP subcommittee and the work of the entire Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee. The Commission also adopted a rule which helps streamline the process for petitioning the Commission for the adoption of rules. See the full agenda and mate

  • Three New Commission Members Confirmed

    AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce the confirmation of broker members Leslie Lerner and Mark Woodroof and public member Ben Peña as new commissioners for terms to expire on January 31, 2027.  The Commissioners were nominated in March and were confirmed by Senate vote on April 28, 2021. 

  • Updated Contract Forms Required For Use April 1, 2021

    As of April 1, 2021, the following form versions are now required for use:

  • February Commission Meeting Updated Information

    Pursuant to section 551.0411 of the Texas Government Code, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is postponing its February 16, 2021, quarterly open meeting to February 19, 2021, at 9:00 am The State of Texas is experiencing unprecedented snowfall, extreme temperatures, rolling blackouts, and power outages that are catastrophic and prohibitive of conducting the meeting at its posted scheduled date and time.  TREC will take up items posted with the Secretary of Stat

  • TREC Statement on Events at the US Capitol

    The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) has received many comments and requests related to license holders’ involvement in the events that occurred at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The Commission is limited in the action it may take against real estate license holders by the Real Estate License Act, the


  • How Education Providers Can Submit Course Applications

    Education providers can electronically provide TREC their course content, text materials, quizzes, exercises, and exams using SharePoint. The only item education providers must send by mail is the application form and the required fee. Once mailed, contact the Education & Examinations Division to receive instructions for using SharePoint.

  • Renewal of Qualifying Real Estate and Inspector Courses

    To expedite the renewal of qualifying courses where content, design, and delivery have not changed, qualifying education (QE) providers may submit the appropriate Qualifying Course Application (Real Estate or Inspector) and the Qualifying Course Renewal Certif

  • New Inspector Non-Elective CE Course

    The new 8 Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and Standards of Practice Review course is effective on September 1, 2021. This course replaces the 4-hour Inspector Legal and Ethics and the 4 hour Standards of Practice Review courses. 

  • Inspector Non-Elective Course Changes

    The current inspector non-elective CE courses, 4-hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and 4-hour Standards of Practice Review course expire on August 31, 2021.  Please be sure all students enrolled in these courses are notified to complete these two courses before August 31, 2021.

  • ESAC Meeting Update - April 2021

    The Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met on April 5, 2021.  This meeting was held virtually and included a presentation from the Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) Chair, Leslie Lerner.  ESAC and BRWG have agreed to collaborate to develop recommendations aimed at better informing sales agents and brokers of duties and responsibilities to one another, which may include both education and experience co

  • Tips for Submitting a CE Course Application

    Choosing the Right Delivery Method

  • Reminder to Inspector QE Providers

  • Temporary Allowance for New Texas Practicum Courses

    New inspector pre-licensing education and experience requirements begin March 1, 2021.  The new experience requirement includes a 40 hour Texas Practicum, which must consist of a minimum of five complete and in-person inspections.  In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, TREC will grant a temporary allowance for on-site inspections to take place virtually, as long as the Practicum instructor conducts inspections live and on-site, and the instructor and students are able to interact with ea

  • Providers: Contracts Courses Required for License Renewal

    On February 1, 2021, sales agents and brokers will be required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license.  For your convenience, and the convenience of your students, a “contracts” search filter is available on the Approved Real Estate CE Course List, which allows license h

  • Providers: TREC Launches Next Phase of Education Provider Audit Program in 2021

    The TREC Education & Examinations Division will launch the next phase of the education provider audit program in January of 2021.  TREC rule §535.67(a) gives staff the authority to conduct on-site audits without prior notice as well as enroll in and attend courses without identifying themselves as employees of the Commissio
