We have made it another month in the virtual environment, and I don’t know about you, but I am ready to see folks in person again. The agency continues to work primarily remotely with a high level of productivity, maintaining a call hold time of under 2 minutes, and processing 5 months of renewals after the COVID extensions expired.
Rule and Contract Changes Proposals
At the August Commission meeting, several changes to the rules and promulgated contract forms were proposed, including how leases and the option fee is addressed in the contract. These proposals reflect modifications recommended by the Broker Lawyer Committee and are currently open for public comment. I encourage you to take the time to review the changes and provide us with your comments. The Commission relies on your feedback to make smart choices about rules and forms that greatly affect your work.
Real Estate CE Changes
Beginning in February 2021, three hours of contracts coursework will be required for all sales agents and brokers within the 18 hours of required continuing education. This coursework is not promulgated, but rather, license holders can take any approved course (or courses) related to contracts. As February nears, license holders can expect to see additional details in our newsletter and on our website.
Customer Service
As I mentioned above, Commission staff continue to provide excellent customer service. I am pleased to report that even though TREC had a monumentally heavy call volume on the last days of August, call hold times had a minimal uptick. This is thanks to the hard work of our Customer Relations team, who have worked to be responsive to fluctuations in incoming inquiries and that hard work is noticeable when we have days like this.
Committee Updates
The Broker Responsibility Working group met September 9, and will meet again on October 14. This working group is making recommendations to the Commission for potential changes on “hot topics” like license portability and broker license requirements. You are welcome to virtually attend any of these meetings, details of which are on our website. Additionally, the Inspector Committee and Education Standards Advisory Committee are accepting applications for members through September 21 at 5 pm.
The Commission’s next meeting will be November 10, 2020. I hope you will attend.
Thank you for your continued professionalism and service to the people of Texas. I am hopeful this strong housing market continues and that it may be a conduit for a full economic recovery.