Record-breaking attendance made the TREC Meeting in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) a standout and marks the Commission's second out-of-Austin meeting. Branching out of the Texas Capitol Complex in Austin—where TREC is headquartered—is an initiative that began last year in an effort to connect with more license holders and Texans. Houston was the first stop in 2023 with roughly 80 attendees.
TREC Meeting Recap: A DFW Affair With Proposed New Rules, Fee Focus, NAR Debrief
05/29/2024 -
Watch Out for Rental Fraud Scams in Texas
05/24/2024They are still happening: Real estate leasing scams continue to pose a threat to property owners in Texas, especially in the greater Houston area, prompting the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) to issue warnings such as this press release sent to more than a dozen news outlets—most of them based in the southeastern part of the state—including
Watch the TREC Meeting Live
05/20/2024The Texas Real Estate Commission Meeting is at 10:00 a.m. CT in Dallas.
What Texas Inspectors Should Know About TREC Complaints
04/26/2024The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Enforcement Division has 37 people—10 attorneys, legal assistants, and investigators. They enforce the laws and rules that regulate real estate brokers, sales agents, real estate inspectors, and timeshare plans, through the investigation of consumer complaints. They also review the fitness of an applicant for licensure.
The only way enforcement can initiate an investigation is through a filed complaint, which can be done by anyone.
The Future of What it Takes to Be a Broker: BRAC Meeting Recap
04/25/2024Lowering broker education requirements, raising experience requirements? What about broker associates? These are some of the questions raised during the Texas Broker Responsibility Advisory Committee’s (BRAC) April 23 meeting.
Message From TREIC Chair Lee Warren: April 2024
04/23/2024The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met April 15 in Austin. The agenda was light, as much of the work being done is within the subcommittees at this point.
Meet TREC in Dallas
04/19/2024To reach more Texans in person, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) hits the road every May for the second quarterly meeting of the year. This time Commissioners are headed to Dallas-Fort Worth.
BLC Discusses Pending NAR Settlement and Whether it Affects TREC Forms
04/19/2024The Texas Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) met April 12 and discussed the National Association of Realtors proposed settlement agreement for a lawsuit it is involved with related to commissions that may affect members of NAR, Texas Realtors, and local boards of Realtors—all voluntary membership organizations. While many TREC license holders are members, not all of them are, nor are they required to be.
Broker-Lawyer Committee to Discuss Public Comments on Compensation, TREC Form Considerations
04/11/2024If you've been wondering if the recent NAR settlement announcement relates to TREC, livestream the next Texas Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) meeting on Friday, April 12 at 9 a.m. CT. BLC members will review public comments it has received and discuss how NAR’s situation may affect TREC forms.
ESAC Recap: Principles I & II Updates, Law of Agency Course Review
04/04/2024The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met virtually on April 1. Discussion opened with the Principles of Real Estate I and II courses—ESAC is moving forward with a recommendation to revise their course approval forms.
From the Chair - Inspector Committee - May 2020
05/13/2020The Inspector Committee held its regularly scheduled meeting on April 13th. Due to social distancing rules throughout the state, the meeting was held via teleconference. This was the first time in my tenure that this has happened. A huge thank you goes out to TREC staff for getting this put together quickly to help us all stay safe while still getting the important work done that we need to.
From the Chair - May 2020
05/11/2020This spring has been one of unimaginable changes for the agency, industry, and the world. COVID-19 and all that has come with it continues to make ripples throughout the country. TREC staff have been hard at work to keep things moving at the agency while continuing to provide excellent customer service and timely processing of applications.
From the Chair - April 2020 - Inspector Committee
04/07/2020The last few months have seen some unprecedented events happen in the world around us. The COVID-19 virus has brought much of the world to a screeching halt. In the interest of keeping everyone as safe as possible, the meeting of the full Inspector Committee scheduled for April 13th will not be conducted at the TREC building in Austin. The meeting will continue as scheduled, but it will be done via teleconference. Please check the TREC website for more details on how to call in
From the Executive Director - April 2020
04/07/2020The month of March was one for the record books for us all. We started the month learning about the “Coronavirus” and by the end of the month, life as we know it was monumentally altered. Our staff came together quickly to orchestrate a colossal shift of our workforce to remote work. Our team remains energetic and determined to support license holders.
From the Chair - Inspector Committee - January 2020
01/27/2020The Inspector Committee met recently at the Texas Real Estate Commission headquarters in Austin. The committee welcomed its newest member, Scott Regan, to the Inspector Committee. Scott comes with over 15 y
ears of experience in the field as an inspector, HVAC licensee, plumbing licensee and educator. We look forward to Scott’s impact on the committee.
From the Executive Director - January 2020
01/23/2020Change is in the air! A new year, a new decade, and of course changes at TREC too. I start the year and this new position as TREC’s executive director with great expectations and excitement for the future. My predecessor, Doug Oldmixon’s presence will continue through March, which is very helpful to me and our agency through this leadership transition. I am grateful for the gradual transition and Doug’s willingness to impart his knowledge. Doug will leave behind a legacy of strong leader
From the Executive Director - December 2019
12/20/2019December is upon us and the Holiday Season has begun in earnest. From our agency to your offices and homes, we wish you all the very best of blessings of the Season and a prosperous New Year in 2020. At TREC & TALCB we are celebrating the selection of our next Executive Director and Commissioner who will take on those responsibilities effective January 1st.
From the Chair - December 2019
12/20/2019I find it hard to believe it is almost the end of 2019 already! We have been so busy that the time truly seems to have flown by. The Holiday Season is now upon us and we are looking forward to the New Year with great anticipation. Let me wish each of you all the very best during this special time of year!
From the Chair - Inspector Committee - December 2019
12/19/2019The newly proposed process for qualifying inspector education was up for adoption at the November TREC meeting. However, the Commission postponed consideration to adopt these rules at the request of the Governor’s office. Senate Bill 1995 was passed last legislative session that creates a division within the Governor’s office to review all agency proposed rules that affect market competition before the rule is adopted or implemented.
From the Deputy Executive Director - Inspectors - November 2019
11/08/2019It’s been a busy fall for TREC and the Inspector Committee. We continue to implement the Sunset recommendations and statutory changes, most of which will be considered for adoption at the November 19th Commission meeting, including the amendments to the inspector qualifying education rules. If adopted by the Commission at the November meeting, these new requirements will take effect on May 1, 2020.
TREC Launches Next Phase of Education Provider Audit Program
12/22/2020AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) will launch the second phase of the education provider audit program in January 2021. TREC rules give staff authority to audit education providers and permits staff to conduct on-site audits without prior notice. Staff may also enroll in and attend a course without identifying themselves as TREC employees.
TREC Purchasing Manager Named Woman of the Year
12/01/2020AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce Regina Durden, purchasing manager, was named “Woman of the Year” by the Executive Women in Texas Government (EWTG). The announcement of this prestigious award was made at the November 2020 EWTG conference. Ms. Durden is the first recipient of this award at the Texas Real Estate Commission. Congratulations go to Ms.
Updates to the Continuing Education (CE) Posting System
11/16/2020The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce the updated CE Posting System.
TREC Announces New Deputy General Counsel
10/26/2020AUSTIN, TX - The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to welcome Abby Lee as Deputy General Counsel of the Texas Real Estate Commission effective October 20, 2020.
Reminder: TREC No Longer Accepting Walk Ins
09/01/2020The Texas Real Estate Commission has temporarily closed lobby access to members of the public. Our highest priority is the health and well-being of the consumers of Texas and our staff. The agency will remain open to provide assistance via phone and email.
The contact center hours of operation are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 512-936-3000 to speak to a representative.
Inspector Committee Accepting Applications for Members
08/31/2020The Texas Real Commission is accepting applications for appointment for two inspectors and one public member positions of the Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee.
Website Survey Launched
08/19/2020TREC and TALCB have launched a survey to help gather feedback about the agency's websites. Completing this short survey will help TREC and TALCB better serve Texans in all matters related to real estate and appraisal services.
We value your opinion and appreciate your time. Thank you for participating.
UPDATED: Agency Mail Inadvertently Destroyed
08/05/2020Last month, the company TREC and TALCB contracts with to collect and shred documents mistakenly collected mail delivered to the agency.
TREC HR Director Announced
07/30/2020The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC), and Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) is pleased to announce the promotion of Tawana Hood to Director of Human Resources. Mrs. Hood will oversee all human resources duties for the agency, including employee benefits, payroll, and staff relations. Mrs. Hood has worked for TREC and TALCB since 2018 as a human resources generalist.
TREC and TALCB extensions of all renewal and application deadlines ends July 31
Helpful Reminders and Tips for Education Providers
11/18/2020Course Applications and Fees
When preparing course applications, be sure they are filled out completely, all necessary documents are included and the fee is accurately calculated. Course applications and fees received separately will be sent back to the provider.
Course Evaluations
All providers are required to provide each student with a course evaluation form approved by the Commission or Board.
Exam Proctoring Requirements Have Not Changed
11/13/2020Qualifying course examinations must satisfy TREC rule 535.65(h). This means:
ESAC Meeting Update
10/27/2020The Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met on October 5, 2020, to continue to diligent work of the committee.
Caution: Don't Take CE and Drive
10/16/2020Classroom courses for real estate license holders and inspectors require the instructor and the student to interact face-to-face and in real time, either in the same physical location, or though technology. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many courses that historically were offered in a classroom, are now being offered virtually. In fact, the number of classroom courses taught virtually has skyrocketed.
ESAC Committee Accepting Applications for Members
08/31/2020The Texas Real Estate Commission is accepting applications for appointment for four real estate license holders members and two education members to the Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC). Committee members will serve a two-year term beginning January 1, 2021, and expiring December 31, 2022. Real estate license holders applying must have been actively engaged in the practice of real estate for the five years preceding the appointment.
Temporary Allowance for Inspector Ride-Along Courses
05/29/2020In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, TREC understands that some inspector applicants may find it challenging to complete the in-person ride-along course required for licensure.
Update on Changes to Instructor Approvals
09/18/2019To implement requirements in the agency’s Sunset bill, the Commission recently adopted rules eliminating TREC licenses for instructors. However, the standards that set the qualifications for instructors did not change. Effective September 1, education providers are now responsible to ensure instructors meet the qualifications to teach a course.
Reminder: Instructor Changes Coming Soon!
07/26/2019To implement provisions in the agency’s recent Sunset bill, TREC has proposed rules to eliminate instructor licensing. The proposed rules are expected to be adopted at the August Commission meeting with an effective date of September 1, 2019.
Instructor License Changes Coming Soon
06/21/2019To implement provisions in the agency’s Sunset bill, the Commission has proposed rules to eliminate instructor licensing. The proposed rules are expected to be adopted at the August Commission meeting with an effective date of September 1, 2019. TREC will continue to approve and renew instructor licenses through August 31, 2019.
Reminder Regarding the Use of Proctors
05/03/2019A provider is responsible for making sure course examinations are proctored by a faculty or staff member, or third party proctor acceptable to the Commission. Examples of acceptable third party proctors are listed in Section 535.65(h) of TREC rules. Proctors must be required to positively identify that the student taking the exam is the student who registered for and took the course. It is equally important to make sure proctors understand that an examinee must be monitored at all times.