The Texas Real Estate Commission is pleased to announce the launch of our Approved Course Search tool. Anyone can use this tool to search for currently approved qualifying or continuing education (CE) courses for real estate or inspector license holders. The tools allows individuals to search for a specific provider or type of course using one or more search functions. Locate a provider by searching their provider name, license number or all providers in the same city. Search for courses by delivery method or the type of course, for example Legal Update I or Legal Update II. This is another example of the Commission's commitment to improving the customer experience and expanding online services.
This tool features four pages found on the Education tab: Real Estate Qualifying Courses; Real Estate CE Courses; Inspector Qualifying Courses; and Inspector CE (ICE) Courses. Each page is updated daily to make sure our license holders and the public have the latest information.
Other Website Updates
Contracts, licensing forms, and consumer forms have been separated and relocated to more relevant pages of our website. Contracts are available on the Agency Information tab and licensing forms can be found on the Become Licensed and Renew License tabs. Click on the license type and you will see a list of all relevant licensing forms. Consumer Forms are now located on the Public tab.
Look for new icons under the Forms section of the Home page to navigate quickly to each one of these pages.