Starting October 1, active license holders whose licenses expire will be set to inactive status as of the expiration date, and any license relationships to sales agents and/or brokers will be terminated.
If you late renew—up to six months after your expiration date—your license will be renewed on inactive status.
These changes were adopted during the May TREC Meeting.
Know Your License Expiration Date
Some license holders depended on having their brokers certify that they were being supervised while their license was expired. This will not be an option on or after October 1. If you don't want an interruption in your ability to work, make sure to renew your license well before the expiration date.
Avoid Trouble
License holders on inactive status cannot conduct brokerage activities. Doing so would be unlicensed activity and can result in disciplinary actions from TREC, including a minimum fine of $1,000. In addition, the gap in your active time will be reflected in your license record.
How to Return to Active Status
License holders will go through fewer steps to renew an inactive license. You must complete all required Continuing Education (CE) and submit a request to activate your license.
What This Means for Brokers
If you go inactive, any sales agents you sponsor will be set to inactive status. If you are a designated broker for a business entity broker license, that business entity and any agents sponsored by it will also be set to inactive status. Brokers returning to active status will have to re-establish all of their terminated relationships to sales agents and as designated brokers for business entity brokers after activation.
What This Means for Sales Agents
Sales agents who want to return to active status will need to request sponsorship by a broker using TREC’s Online Licensing Services portal.
What Happens if I Wait to Renew After Six Months?
After six months and up to two years past your license expiration date, you may apply for reinstatement of your license. After two years past the expiration date, you will have to reapply and pass the examination.
Why the Change?
During the May 2023 TREC Meeting after consideration of public comments, Commissioners approved the elimination of the "lookback period" found in Section 535.93, Late Renewal Applications. Until October 1, 2023, brokers have had the ability to certify or vouch for a license holder’s activity under an expired license.
License Expire Process Chart
View and download a PDF chart with examples of two license holders' experiences under the new expire process.