Real Estate QE Course Renewal Application
Form Name:
Real Estate QE Course Renewal Application (Form ID: QE_CRA-1) Effective Date:
11/01/2023 Description:
Who should submit this application?
QE providers renewing a real estate QE course for another 4-year term.
Course must not have any changes to course content, presentation, design and delivery other than updates applicable to statutory or rule changes or promulgated contract forms. If changes have been made, a new QE course application and fee are required.
Helpful tips for filling out this application:
- Fees are payable using a check or money order and must be submitted with the application.
- Section 3 requires the currently approved course information.
- Section 4 requires including instructions to access the distance education course.
- Section 5 is for secondary providers, include a permission letter from the original provider to continue offering this course.
- Section 6 if box is checked, include changes with the application.
- The Operations Manager or Owner of the QE provider must sign the application.
Related Terms:
Applications, Qualifying Education (QE) Provider