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Meeting Details

08/10/2021 at 09:00 am
Stephen F. Austin Building, Room 170
1700 North Congress
Austin, TX 78701

Meeting Materials

Meeting Video

TREC Commission Meeting (Workshop)

The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.

Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.

Agenda Item 1 Call to order
ACTION: Chair Kesner called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Agenda Item 2 Discussion and possible action to excuse Commissioner absence(s), if any
No action needed or taken.  Commissioner Hartgraves joined the meeting shortly after it began.

Agenda Item 3 Discussion regarding agency communications strategy and processes, including review of agency social media trends and website tools
Christine Anderson, Public Relations Manager, gave an overview regarding the agency's social media presence, provided statistics, and answered questions from Commissioners concerning agency communications. The Commission requested that the social media statistics be provided quarterly with a more detailed report provided yearly.

Agenda Item 4 Discussion regarding agency outreach, including review of recommendations from the Broker Responsibility Working Group
General Counsel Burgess presented a summary of ideas from the Broker Responsibility Working Group and the Education Standards Advisory Committee regarding outreach.  The Commissioners discussed their thoughts and ideas.  Staff answered questions from Commissioners.

The Commission took a break at 10:30 a.m.
Chair Kesner reconvened the meeting at 10:43 a.m.

Agenda Item 5 Discussion regarding Commission Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2022
The Commissioners provided their ideas for possible initiatives for FY2022 including adding an internal audit committee and examining license portability and the agency's expire process. Commissioners were asked to email their ideas to staff so staff can compile and categorize by what it will take to accomplish the initiative along with the amount of time needed to do so.

Agenda Item 6 Discussion regarding Budget Committee and budget process recommendations
Ranada Williams, CFO, requested feedback from the Commission on the reports provided and answered questions from Commissioners.  Commssioner Peña will collaborate with Ms. Williams to consolidate and simplify reports provided in the future to make them easier to digest.

Agenda Item 7 Request for potential future workshop agenda items
General Counsel Burgess explained a portion of the November workshop is reserved for annual training and requested feedback from the Commission regarding future topics to be covered.

Agenda Item 8 Discussion regarding future workshop meeting dates
ACTION: The next workshop meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.

Agenda Item 9 Adjourn
ACTION: The meeting was adjourned at 11:39 a.m.