TREC Commission Meeting (Workshop)
The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.
Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.
Agenda Item 1 Call to order
ACTION: The meeting was called to order at 9:06 p.m.
Agenda Item 2 Discussion and possible action to excuse Commissioner absence(s), if any
All Commissioners were present - no action needed or taken.
Agenda Item 3 Discussion regarding enforcement processes, including:
a. Makeup of Enforcement Division and teams
b. Overview of consumer complaint process and paths to resolution
c. SOAH Process
d. Motion for Rehearing and Appeal Process
Presentation given by Mike Molloy, Director of Enforcement
The Commission went into a break at 10:31 a.m.
Chair Kesner reconvened the meeting at 10:55 a.m.
Note: Commissioner Hartgraves exited the meeting and did not return.
Agenda Item 4 Executive Session 101
Presentation given by Vanessa E. Burgess, General Counsel, and TJ Turner, Former Commissioner
Note: Commissioners Peña and Williams exited the meeting and did not return.
Agenda item 5 Request for potential future workshop agenda items
ACTION: Commissioner Wilkinson requested a followup regarding enforcement related matters. Chair Kesner requested to discuss communications outreach from the agency.
Agenda Item 6 Discussion regarding future workshop meeting dates
ACTION: Future workshop dates are scheduled for August 10, 2021, November 9, 2021, and February 15, 2022.
Agenda Item 7 Adjourn
ACTION: The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 p.m.