TREC Broker Responsibility Working Group
The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.
Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.
Agenda Item 1 Call to Order
ACTION: The meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m.
Members present: Leslie Lerner, Pam Titzell, Brian Sales, Socar Chatmon-Thomas, Holly Hightower, Yazmin Perez, Bill Roth,
Members absent: Chance Brown
Commissioner liaison present: Barbara Russell
Other Commissioners present: R. Scott Kesner, Jason Hartgraves
Staff present: Chelsea Buchholtz, Executive Director, Tony Slagle, Deputy Executive Director, Jennifer Wheeler, Education and Examinations Director, Denise Sample, Licensing Director, Mike Sample-Diehl, Program Supervisor, Amber Hinton, Executive Assistant
Agenda Item 2 Housekeeping
Agenda Item 3 Remarks from the Chair
Chair Lerner informed the working group that Bob Jacobs had resigned.
Agenda Item 4 Discussion and possible action to amend the August 26, 2020, meeting minutes
No changes were requested.
Agenda Item 5 Public comment on non-agenda items
No comments were given.
Agenda Item 6 Discussion and possible recommendation regarding education and experience requirements for an individual real estate broker license
The working group reviewed the draft recommendation from the last meeting along with additional feedback received from the members and took the following actions as noted below.
• 270 classroom hours that are required for sales agent pre-licensure and SAE;
• 366 additional classroom hours that must include Real Estate Brokerage and Broker Responsibility Course
o Classes taken as part of real estate program at college or university may count as all of or part of the 366 additional hours – Taken in last 10 years ACTION: Brian Sales, seconded by Holly Hightower, moved to remove "taken in last 10 years". The motion passed unanimously.
o Eliminates college degree as automatically qualifying education
• 4 years active practice in previous 5 years. ACTION: Pam Titzell, seconded by Holly Hightower, moved that experience requirements only include active experience for 3 out of the last 4 years. The motion failed with Holly Hightower, Leslie Lerner, and Pam Titzell voting yes.
• Remove credit for listing agreements and buyer representation agreements. ACTION: Leslie Lerner, seconded by Socar Chatmon-Thomas, moved to keep this recommendation as-is. The motion passed unanimously.
• Give greater credit (40 points per month) for management experience and allow for management experience to obtain all points (no cap) ACTION: Leslie Lerner moved to keep this recommendation as-is. Leslie Lerner, seconded by Yazmin Perez, amended her motion to give greater credit at 40 points per month for management experience. The amended motion passed unanimously.
• Expand TREC experience audit process ACTION: Yazmin Perez, seconded by Socar Chatmon-Thomas, moved to remove TREC experience audit process from the recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.
• Require more sales/experience points? ACTION: Brian Sales, seconded by Socar Chatmon-Thomas, moved to increase experience points to 7200 to be completed in the last 4 out of 5 years. The motion passed with Bill Roth voting no.
Applicants acknowledge that real estate has been their primary job for 3 out of the 4 previous years? ACTION: Bill Roth, seconded by Brian Sales, moved to remove this requirement. The motion passed with Leslie Lerner and Socar Chatmon-Thomas voting no.
Agenda Item 7 Discussion and possible recommendation regarding licensing of out-of-state military spouses transferred to Texas
ACTION: Chair Lerner asked the members to send their feedback to General Counsel Burgess before the next meeting.
Agenda Item 8 Discussion and possible recommendation regarding real estate broker reciprocity
ACTION: Chair Lerner will work with General Counsel Burgess to develop questions regarding reciprocity to send to the working group so members can provide feedback before the next meeting.
Agenda Item 9 Discussion and possible action regarding comments received on other broker responsibility working group items since the last meeting
No comments were received.
Agenda Item 10 Discussion and possible action regarding future agenda items and meeting dates
• Next meeting scheduled for October 14, 2020, at 1:00 p.m.
ACTION: The next meeting is scheduled for October 14, at 9:30 a.m.
Agenda Item 11 Adjourn
ACTION: The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 p.m.