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Meeting Details

01/17/2020 at 10:00 am
Stephen F. Austin Building, Room 400a
1700 North Congress
Austin, TX 78701

Meeting Materials

Meeting Video

TREC Inspector Committee

The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.

Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.

Agenda Item 1 Call to order & roll call

ACTION: The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. The Chair welcomed new member, Scott Regan.

Members present: Lee Warren, Shawn Emerick, Steven Rinehart, Mike Morgan, Barbara Evans, Doyle Williamson, Scott Regan

Members absent: Dave Motley, Robert John Daehn, Jr.

Staff present: Chelsea Buchholtz, Executive Director, Tony Slagle, Deputy Executive Director, Mark Moore, SES Director, Jennifer Wheeler, EES Director, Denise Sample, LRS Director, Michael Molloy, Staff Attorney, Mike Sample-Diehl, Program Supervisor, Mike Hovey, Education Specialist, Amber Hinton, Executive Assistant

Agenda Item 2 Discussion and possible action to excuse Committee member’s absence(s), if any.

ACTION: Steven Rinehart, duly seconded by Shawn Emerick, moved to excuse the absence of Dave Motley.  The motion passed.

Agenda Item 3 Ratification of the minutes of the October 7, 2019 meeting.

ACTION: Steven Rinehart, duly seconded by Mike Morgan, moved to ratify the October 7, 2019, meeting minutes.  The motion passed.

Agenda Item 4 General comments from visitors on non-agenda items.

No comments were given.

Agenda Item 5 Election of Officers:
a.    Chair
b.    Vice Chair
c.    Secretary

ACTION: The Chair called for nominations.
Chair: Scott Regan, duly seconded by Shawn Emerick, moved to nominate Lee Warren as Chair.  The motion passed and Lee Warren was elected Chair.
Vice Chair: Shawn Emerick, duly seconded by Scott Regan, moved to nominate Shawn Emerick as Vice-Chair. The motion passed and Shawn Emerick was elected Vice-Chair.
Secretary: Scott Regan, duly seconded by Barbara Evans, moved to nominate Steven Rinehart.  The motion passed and Steven Rinehart was elected Secretary.

Agenda Item 6 Reports from Subcommittees:
a. Education Subcommittee
b. Standards of Practice Subcommittee

ACTION: Reports given by the following:
6.a. Steven Rinehart, Chair of the subcommittee
6.b. Doyle Williamson, Chair of the subcommittee

The Chair made the following appointments to the Education Subcommittee: Steven Rinehart (Chair), Barbara Evans, Mike Morgan and Doyle Williamson; and to the SOP Subcommittee: Shawn Emerick (Chair), Dave Motley, Scott Regan, and Robert John Daehn, Jr.

Agenda Item 7 Staff Reports:
a.    Administration & Management Services (AMS)
b.    Standards & Enforcement Services (SES)
c.    Education & Examination Services (EES)
d.    Licensing & Registration Services (LRS)

ACTION: Reports given by the following:
7.a. Tony Slagle, Deputy Executive Director/Chelsea Buchholtz, Executive Director
7.b. Michael Molloy, Staff Attorney, Standards & Enforcement Services
7.c. Jennifer Wheeler, Director of Education & Examination Services
7.d. Denise Sample, Director of Licensing & Registration Services

Agenda Item 8 Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to the TREC Consumer Protection Notice CN 1-2 proposed at the November 19, 2019 TREC Meeting.

ACTION: The committee decided by consensus to place this item on hold.

Agenda Item 9 Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to 22 TAC §535.216, Renewal of License proposed at the November 19, 2019 TREC Meeting.

ACTION: Steven Rinehart, duly seconded by Shawn Emerick, moved to recommend the amendments be adopted by the full Commission at the February 2020 meeting. The motion passed.

Agenda Item 10 Discussion and possible action regarding amendments and new rule relating to regarding inspector pre-licensing education requirements to ensure the content aligns with the inspector licensing exam subject matter in accordance with the Sunset Commission’s management directive 2.6, including:
a. proposed amendments to 22 TAC §535.209, Examinations;
b. proposed amendments to 22 TAC §535.212, Education and Experience Requirements for a License;
c. proposed amendments to 22 TAC §535.213, Qualifying Real Estate Inspector Instructors and Courses;
d. new rule 22 TAC §535.214, Education and Experience Requirements for a License

ACTION: Barbara Evans, duly seconded by Steven Rinehart, moved to recommend the amendments be withdrawn and reproposed by the full Commission at the February 2020 Commission meeting for publication and public comment pending response from the Governor's Regulatory Compliance division. The motion passed.

Agenda Item 11 Discussion and possible action to recommend proposed amendments to 22 TAC §535.210, Fees.

ACTION: Shawn Emerick, duly seconded by Mike Morgan, moved to recommend the amendments be considered by the full Commission for proposal at the February 2020 Commission meeting for publication and public comment with a correction to the numbering under old paragraph (20). The motion passed.

Agenda Item 12 Discussion and possible action to recommend proposed amendments to 22 TAC  §535.215, Inactive Inspector Status.

ACTION: Steven Rinehart, duly seconded by Shawn Emerick, moved to recommend the amendments be considered by the full Commission for proposal at the February 2020 Commission meeting for publication and public comment. The motion passed.

Agenda Item 13 Update regarding the pending request for Attorney General Opinion regarding the authority to perform sewer line inspections (RQ-0307-KP).

No action taken. Executive Director Buchholtz informed the committee we submitted our brief and are waiting for the OAG to issue its opinion. Staff will update the committee at the next meeting.

Agenda Item 14 Request for future meeting agenda items

ACTION: The committee requested the following items:
a. an update regarding the pending request for Attorney General Opinion RQ-0307-KP;
b. more detail in the course ride-along form affidavit;
c. discussion of Sponsorship and Ride-Along lists on website;
d. SOP schedule handout; and
e. language concerning credit for Instructor Training.

Agenda Item 15 Discussion of future meeting dates

ACTION: The next meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at TREC Headquarters

Agenda Item 16 Adjourn

ACTION: The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m.