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Sales Agent, License #627136
Delegated Supervisor
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Real Estate LLC
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
01/28/2547600Legal Update I (2024-2025)Legal Update IChiaki Real Estate School4
01/23/2546030Reverse Mortgage for PurchaseRE CE ElectiveBNA Capital, LLC1
01/09/2547601Legal Update II (2024-2025)Legal Update IIChiaki Real Estate School4
10/30/2447696Exploring the Commercial ContractsContractsChiaki Real Estate School3
08/13/2445855Truth About Prelisting InspectionsRE CE ElectiveAlamo Real Pro1
04/16/2444060Development 101: Sell Land to Developers & Make Big CommissionsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
12/27/2343083Dearly Departed...Death & DivorceRE CE ElectiveAlamo Title Company2
11/06/2345411understanding Nature of Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTexas REALTORS4
10/24/2346079Overcoming the Down Payment HurdleRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/12/2342022How to Avoid Earnest Money DisputesContractsAlamo Title Company1
08/23/2342057Top 10 Real Estate CasesRE CE ElectiveAlamo Title Company1
08/16/2346935Intro To Video Editing With CapCut For Real Estate MarketingRE CE ElectiveMarlo Mullins1
05/12/2343006Google My Business for Realtors: Visibility & 5-Star ReviewsRE CE ElectivePhilip Delgado1
05/05/2341505How and When to use Heirship Affidavits & Powers of AttorneyRE CE ElectiveCapital Title of Texas, LLC1
02/08/2342039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update IVortex CE4
02/02/2342059Top 10 Real Estate ClaimsRE CE ElectiveAlamo Title Company1
12/14/2242040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IIVortex CE4
10/26/2240238Hacking Happens: Cyber Security 101RE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
04/26/2243137Inspection Success - Easy Things Sellers Can FixRE CE Elective1GreatCE.com1
03/09/2241462Overcoming the Down Payment HurdleRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/29/2141547The Power of Exchange - 1 HourRE CE ElectiveAsset Preservation, Inc.1
07/22/2141727Grow HousesRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.1
07/22/2137269How to Avoid Earnest Money DisputesRE CE ElectiveAlamo Title Company1
07/21/2138214Inspecting the Peripherals: For Real Estate AgentsRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.2
07/20/2140305Going Green: For Real Estate AgentsRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.2
07/20/2140957Septic System Basics: What Real Estate Agents Need to KnowRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.1
07/07/2139127Review and Understanding of TREC Contracts and AddendaContractsAlliant National Title Insurance Company3
06/24/2138191Performing Residential Electrical InspectionsRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.3
06/22/2140430Stucco 101: For Real Estate AgentsRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.2
02/26/2136459Contract UpdateContractsAlamo Title Company1
02/26/2137796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update IVortex CE4
02/26/2136462Fifty Ways to Leave a ContractContractsAlamo Title Company2
10/28/2037797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IIVortex CE4
08/19/2037921Understanding Real Estate FinancingRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy1
05/14/2034947Files, Texts, Calls Oh My! How Does An Agent Keep Good Records?RE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
04/23/2038546Know Your Local Market to Grow Your BusinessRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty1
04/22/2038547Geographic Marketing - How to Target MaketRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
02/27/2036449How to Improve Your Overall Credit ProfileRE CE ElectiveDHI Mortgage Company, LTD1
11/13/1936578Working with Foreign BuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
11/12/1935041Writing Effective Listing DescriptionsRE CE ElectiveAbby Vasek Interiors2
11/12/1936992Property Tax ChatRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
10/15/1937163Getting the Most Out of RPRRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
09/24/1937020Transforming the Way Agents Win & Target Market with CBxRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
09/11/1935367Broker Responsibility Course (2019-2020)Broker ResponsibilityFirst American Title Guaranty Company6
09/04/1933402Appraisal Techniques for the Real Estate ProfessionalRE CE ElectiveAlliant National Title Insurance Company2
07/23/1935425How to Keep A Home Inspection from Killing the DealRE CE ElectiveBPG Inspection, LLC1
06/26/1935609Wholesaling 101RE CE ElectiveStepStone Realty, LLC2
04/24/1933186Intro to Hyperlocal: Knowing Your NicheRE CE ElectiveREALTOR Academy1
04/16/1934761Facebook Business Advertising SuccessRE CE ElectiveLegacy Mutual Mortgage1
03/19/1934202Social Media - The 411 on How It's DoneRE CE ElectiveLegacy Mutual Mortgage1
12/11/1835652Foreign Investment in U.S. Real EstateRE CE ElectiveFinance & Real Estate Professional Center, LLC2
12/10/1833198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
12/05/1835015Amendments and Addendums, Two Hour WorkshopRE CE ElectiveKey Education Provider, LLC2
12/04/1834836Tax Strategies for Realtors 101RE CE ElectiveKey Education Provider, LLC1
11/28/1833197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IReal Lively CE4
09/19/1834761Facebook Business Advertising SuccessRE CE ElectiveLegacy Mutual Mortgage1
08/27/1834945Technology: The Realtors Money-PitRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
07/31/1833896Geographic Marketing - How to Target MarketRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
04/26/1833601Foundation Repair: Protecting Your ClientRE CE ElectivePerma-Pier Foundation Repair of Texas1
04/26/1830865Foundation Repair and Maintenance 101RE CE ElectivePerma-Pier Foundation Repair of Texas1
03/22/1832622HVAC Regulations May Affect Your BusinessRE CE ElectiveRosow Education1
03/08/1832882Transforming the Way Agents Win & Target Market with CBXRE CE ElectiveD'Ann Harper Realty2
01/11/1833037Appraisal MethodologyRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy3
11/08/1731460Accredited Staging Professional CourseRE CE ElectiveStagedhomes.com16
10/31/1732914What Do I Do Now? Wills Probate and GuardianshipsRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
10/24/1733036Building & Buying GreenRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy3
10/18/1731348FHA/VA Loans What Agents Need to KnowRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy2
08/10/1731868Smart Pricing StrategiesRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker APEX Realtors1
06/07/17310731031 Like-Kind ExchangesRE CE ElectiveEducateRE1
06/06/1731574CybercrimeRE CE ElectiveOld Republic National Title Insurance Company1
03/21/1731492Supernatural CMAsRE CE ElectiveStewart Title San Antonio4
11/29/1630892Selling to MillennialsRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
11/15/1629622Legal Update ILegal Update IREALTOR Academy4
11/15/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IIREALTOR Academy4
11/08/1630475The Value of Listing Being Seen on Social MediaRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy3
10/26/1629785Divorce and Informal (Common Law) MarriageRE CE ElectiveFrontier Title Company Management, L.L.P.1
10/20/162846090 iPad Apps in 60 MinutesRE CE ElectiveREALTOR Academy1
10/12/1627849Commercial Contracts 101RE CE ElectiveThe Guillory Group School of Real Estate3
10/12/1627848Commercial Leasing 101RE CE ElectiveThe Guillory Group School of Real Estate3
10/05/1630633RISK MANAGEMENT - BASICRE CE ElectiveRosow Education1
09/06/1631230Texas Title Insurance CommitmentsRE CE ElectiveAlliant National Title Insurance Company1
06/21/1628161Execution of Documents - Why Does That Person Have to Sign?RE CE ElectiveAlliant National Title Insurance Company1
06/07/1628632Texas Vet: Housing and Land Loan ProgramRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
04/13/1627382How to Use Financing to Attract Buyers and Create More SalesRE CE ElectiveREALTOR Academy4
12/15/15777GRI:REAL ESTATE BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
11/13/15555GRI II(MARKETING)Qualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
11/03/1527196RISK MANAGEMENT - BASICRE CE ElectiveRosow Education1
10/27/15444GRI I(FINANCE)Qualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
10/14/1529390Green 300: Green Your Real Estate BusinessRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
10/07/1529389Green 200: The Science of Green BuildingRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
09/30/1529388Green 100: Real Estate For a Sustainable LifeRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
07/09/1528632Texas Vet: Housing and Land Loan ProgramRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
06/09/1528065TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID)RE CE ElectiveAlliant National Title Insurance Company1
01/29/15531RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
01/22/15911REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS IQualifying RE TopicsREALTOR Academy30
01/28/1424548ALL ABOUT CREDITRE CE ElectiveCE Credit Source, LLC3
06/05/13711REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE IQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
12/11/12112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
12/06/121111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
11/29/12322PROMULGATED CONTRACTS FORMS 0322Qualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
11/20/12411REAL ESTATE FINANCE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
11/15/121200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
05/17/12111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30