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Sales Agent, License #624684
Delegated Supervisor
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Real Estate LLC
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
08/28/2447601Legal Update II (2024-2025)Legal Update IIKathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate4
08/27/2447600Legal Update I (2024-2025)Legal Update IKathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate4
08/21/2446627The Forms You Need To KnowContractsTexas REALTORS3
06/08/2345410What Documents are Required and Why? How Do Clients Benefit?RE CE ElectiveNRT Texas LLC2
02/22/2342689Staying Current-Update from TREC Commission MeetingRE CE ElectiveNRT Texas LLC1
02/15/2344752CMA "Price it Right" - MatrixRE CE ElectiveHouston Association of REALTORS3
02/08/2344742Commercial Improved Contract ReviewContractsNRT Texas LLC2
07/14/2242040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IINRT Texas LLC4
06/23/2242688Paragraph 22 Addenda-TREC 1-4 Contract/Related Para TREC 20-16ContractsNRT Texas LLC1
06/15/2242687TREC 1-4 Family Residential Contract and Addenda in Paragraph 22ContractsNRT Texas LLC2
04/28/2242963New Home Rockstar (Sell More New Homes)RE CE ElectiveAmerica's School of Real Estate3
03/24/2242844Branding For Humans Simplified The Real Estate EditionRE CE ElectiveAmerica's School of Real Estate3
11/03/2139777TikTok 2.0 for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveKathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate2
09/22/2141365Appraisals: Rules, Valuations, and ReconsiderationRE CE ElectiveKathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate2
08/11/2137796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update IReal Estate School of Texas4
09/24/2036252Who Signs? Marital Property RightsRE CE ElectiveTexas American Title1
09/09/2039253What's Happening in the Mortgage World Today?RE CE ElectiveReal Estate School of Texas2
07/15/2037796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update IReal Estate School of Texas4
04/16/2037266Instagram Mastermind UnpluggedRE CE ElectiveThigpen Business Consultants, LLC3
04/02/2037797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IIReal Estate School of Texas4
01/28/2038371Strategic Pricing SkillsRE CE ElectiveTexas American Title2
10/22/1936926Legal Update/Risk Management for 2019RE CE ElectiveBetter Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene2
11/07/1833556Surveys and Title InsuranceRE CE ElectiveEducateRE1
10/01/1833303Understanding Mold and Mold InspectionRE CE ElectiveKen Rychlik2
08/22/1833197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IColdwell Banker United, Realtors4
07/19/1833610TREC Inspection Basics for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveKathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate3
07/12/1833198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IIConroe Real Estate Agent Training and Education4
07/10/1832911Basic Bankruptcy for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveTexas American Title1
07/10/1833339Who Signs? Marital Property RightsRE CE ElectiveTexas American Title1
10/24/1732146Matrix EssentialsRE CE ElectiveHouston Association of REALTORS2
05/23/1732146Matrix EssentialsRE CE ElectiveHouston Association of REALTORS2
10/29/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IILone Star College Tomball4
10/29/1629622Legal Update ILegal Update ILone Star College Tomball4
01/06/1626913Prospecting for the New ConsumerRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors2
07/08/1528816Listing PresentationsRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors2
02/10/1527671PRESENTING MULTIPLE OFFERSRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors1
02/10/1525991A REAL ESTATE AGENT'S PROACTIVE APPROACH TO AN APPRAISALRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors1
01/27/1527769A SOCIAL MEDIA: PROSPECTING WITH FACEBOOKRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors2
01/13/1526816Going Paperless: SureCloseRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors1
01/13/1526082GOING PAPERLESS: USING ZIPFORM 6 AND DIGITAL INKRE CE ElectiveColdwell Banker United, Realtors2
11/24/14531RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
11/20/14511REAL ESTATE MARKETING IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
10/28/14513Marketing IIIQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
10/23/1427226bigE 2014 - BUILDING YOUR BUSINESSRE CE ElectiveHouston Association of REALTORS3
10/23/1427227bigE 2014 - CONTENT STRATEGIESRE CE ElectiveHouston Association of REALTORS4
05/20/1426440TREC Contract UpdateRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD1
03/11/1426392TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update IColdwell Banker United, Realtors3
10/02/12322PROMULGATED CONTRACTS FORMS 0322Qualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/25/12112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/20/12411REAL ESTATE FINANCE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/10/12111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
08/26/121200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
08/12/121111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30