Sales Agent, License #596673
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
12/12/24 | 50569 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
08/20/24 | 48511 | Generators | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/21/24 | 44970 | Insurance-The Tips That Can Make a Realtor More Successful! | RE CE Elective | Agency Yu, INC | 1 |
05/07/24 | 48618 | PUDs, MUDs and PIDs In Texas | RE CE Elective | Old Republic National Title Insurance Company | 1 |
10/02/23 | 45582 | Global Real Estate: Transaction Tools | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 8 |
09/27/23 | 45585 | Asia Pacific and International Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 8 |
09/26/23 | 45823 | Europe and International Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 8 |
09/21/23 | 45581 | Global Real Estate: Local Markets | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 8 |
06/25/23 | 44251 | Forms: One to Four and More | Contracts | 123CE Inc | 3 |
06/23/23 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | 123CE Inc | 4 |
06/23/23 | 44245 | Laws: Fair Housing | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 3 |
06/22/23 | 44369 | Real Estate: Your Credit Report and Score | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 1 |
06/21/23 | 44253 | Rules: TREC Advertising | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 2 |
06/21/23 | 44257 | Agency: Do You Represent a Client? | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 1 |
06/21/23 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | 123CE Inc | 4 |
05/24/23 | 46130 | HAR Global Day 2023 | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 6 |
02/16/23 | 42789 | How to Enhance Your HAR Website | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 2 |
01/27/23 | 44972 | Braving the Video Marketing World | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/12/22 | 40606 | ABC's of CRM | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
05/17/22 | 39836 | A Realtor's Survival Guide to the COH Flood Plain Ordinance | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 2 |
05/25/21 | 39972 | Liens, Taxes, and Foreclosures | RE CE Elective | | 3 |
05/25/21 | 40227 | Contracts | Contracts | | 3 |
05/11/21 | 40552 | Listing Agreements | RE CE Elective | | 4 |
05/04/21 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | | 4 |
05/04/21 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | | 4 |
05/13/20 | 36681 | The Power of Strategy | RE CE Elective | Asset Preservation, Inc. | 1 |
03/30/20 | 35963 | Developing Your Brand Personality | RE CE Elective | Frontier Title Company Management, L.L.P. | 1 |
10/22/19 | 35755 | How to Get New Home Builder Listings | RE CE Elective | Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education | 3 |
06/18/19 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | The CE Shop LLC | 4 |
06/17/19 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | The CE Shop LLC | 4 |
09/20/18 | 35113 | Investor 101 | RE CE Elective | StepStone Realty, LLC | 2 |
11/02/17 | 32431 | CNE1 Core Concepts | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 12 |
10/20/17 | 31760 | CMA Price it Right - Matrix | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/06/17 | 31761 | Matrix Overview | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 4 |
09/12/17 | 32199 | Flood Insurance Basics for Realtors | RE CE Elective | Agency Yu, INC | 1 |
06/12/17 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | | 4 |
05/03/17 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 4 |
05/02/17 | 31761 | Matrix Overview | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 4 |
03/23/17 | 30988 | Social Media Planning to Boost Your Business | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 2 |
03/11/16 | 27418 | Certified Home Marketing Specialist | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 9 |
06/16/15 | 26697 | Closing & Settlement Cost | RE CE Elective | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
06/15/15 | 26696 | Real Estate Appraisal | RE CE Elective | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
05/30/15 | 26448 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
05/30/15 | 26447 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
07/22/14 | 26415 | zipForms 101 | RE CE Elective | Fidelity National Title | 2 |
11/11/13 | 25498 | FLOOD INSURANCE BASICS FOR REALTORS | RE CE Elective | Agency Yu, INC | 1 |
06/24/13 | 24036 | When Residential Agents Sell Investment Real Estate | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 6 |
06/20/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
06/20/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update I | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
06/12/13 | 24033 | Contracts Law | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
06/21/11 | 19414 | INSIDER'S GUIDE TO COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE | RE CE Elective | Lone Star College Tomball | 9 |
05/29/11 | 18654 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (CORRESPONDENCE) | Legal Update I | Lone Star College Tomball | 3 |
04/20/11 | 18650 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 3 |
06/17/10 | 911 | REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
05/18/10 | 531 | RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGE | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
08/21/09 | 17787 | NAR'S GREEN RESIDENTIAL ELECTIVE COURSE | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 9 |
08/20/09 | 17589 | GREEN COURSE | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 15 |
05/12/08 | 1021 | RES INSPECTION RE AGENTS | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
05/01/08 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
04/21/08 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
03/03/06 | 112 | Principles of Real Estate II | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
01/28/06 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |