Sales Agent, License #531024
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
09/08/23 | 43907 | Broker Spokesperson Media Training: Lights, Camera & Your Action | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
09/08/23 | 46871 | Risky Business, Not on My Watch! | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
04/11/23 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | | 4 |
04/10/23 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | | 4 |
04/04/23 | 44777 | Contracts | Contracts | | 3 |
09/16/22 | 43990 | Let's Talk About Appraisals | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
09/16/22 | 43900 | Texas Legislature and Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
09/15/22 | 43991 | 3 Secret Strategies to Rock the New Real Estate Marketplace | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
09/15/22 | 44113 | Client Centered Financing Concepts | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
03/31/21 | 39962 | Broker Responsibility Course (2021-2022) | Broker Responsibility | Alliance Academy | 6 |
03/26/21 | 40409 | Texas Contracts Update 1.0 | Contracts | Alliance Academy | 4 |
03/22/21 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Alliance Academy | 4 |
03/20/21 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | Alliance Academy | 4 |
04/15/19 | 35367 | Broker Responsibility Course (2019-2020) | Broker Responsibility | Alliance Academy | 6 |
04/10/19 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | Alliance Academy | 4 |
04/08/19 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Alliance Academy | 4 |
04/02/19 | 34726 | Marketing Basics | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 1 |
04/19/18 | 34334 | TREC Contracts and Addenda Update | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
04/19/17 | 31923 | Closing and Settlement Costs | RE CE Elective | | 3 |
04/19/17 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | | 4 |
04/19/17 | 31922 | Liens, Taxes, and Foreclosures | RE CE Elective | | 3 |
04/19/17 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | | 4 |
04/18/17 | 32101 | Property Management | RE CE Elective | | 4 |
09/23/16 | 30591 | Video Marketing 101 | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 1 |
09/28/15 | 28911 | The CFPB: The Final Rule | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 1 |
03/27/15 | 26696 | Real Estate Appraisal | RE CE Elective | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
03/11/15 | 26448 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
03/11/15 | 26447 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
03/11/15 | 26697 | Closing & Settlement Cost | RE CE Elective | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
10/01/14 | 27148 | Residential Service Contracts in Real Estate Transactions | RE CE Elective | Old Republic Home Protection Co, Inc. | 3 |
08/22/14 | 27509 | ACHIEVEMENT NOW | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 1 |
11/20/12 | 24214 | BROKER RESPONSIBILITY COURSE | Broker Responsibility | Academy of Real Estate | 6 |
11/19/12 | 23556 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
11/19/12 | 23555 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
09/08/12 | 24517 | LESS BLAH BLAH, MORE AH HA | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
09/08/12 | 24645 | SERVICING THE MULTICULTURAL HOMEBUYER | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
04/08/11 | 18657 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (ONLINE EXAM) | Legal Update I | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 3 |
04/08/11 | 18658 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (ONLINE EXAM) | Legal Update II | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 3 |
04/08/11 | 18471 | MASTERING PUBLIC SPEAKING (ONLINE) | RE CE Elective | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 9 |
04/22/09 | 17283 | PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION LENDING | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 6 |
04/21/09 | 16497 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
04/21/09 | 15902 | HIGHER LEVEL OF SERVICE | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
04/21/09 | 16496 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
04/16/08 | 15678 | AT HOME WITH DIVERSITY | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 6 |
04/14/08 | 15109 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE TODAY | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
04/12/08 | 15766 | INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SALES | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 6 |
03/09/08 | 16496 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
03/09/08 | 16497 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
03/08/08 | 16787 | ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS IN REAL ESTATE | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
03/08/08 | 15108 | BUYER REPRESENTATION | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
03/08/08 | 16432 | TREC CONTRACTS AND ADDENDA UPDATE | RE CE Elective | Academy of Real Estate | 3 |
03/09/07 | 511 | REAL ESTATE MARKETING I | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
03/05/06 | 512 | REAL ESTATE MARKETING II | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 112 | Principles of Real Estate II | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 423 | ALTERNATIVE FINANCE | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |
12/09/04 | 721 | BROKERAGE - PLAN OFFICE | Qualifying RE Topics | Academy of Real Estate of El Paso | 30 |