Alternate Name: "GARCIA"
Sales Agent, License #520786
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
05/13/24 | 43973 | The Ups and Downs of Foundation Inspections | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
05/07/24 | 45626 | HVAC Updates 2023 | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
04/16/24 | 44866 | Wood Destroying Insects - What You Should Know | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
04/09/24 | 47600 | Legal Update I (2024-2025) | Legal Update I | Knowledge is Power Real Estate Education | 4 |
04/04/24 | 43934 | Residential Solar Systems in Real Estate | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
03/29/24 | 48473 | Special Purpose Districts | RE CE Elective | Texas Real Estate Continuing Education | 2 |
03/19/24 | 43707 | Contracts - The One to Four Family Residential (Resale) | Contracts | Texas Real Estate Continuing Education | 3 |
03/13/24 | 43137 | Inspection Success - Easy Things Sellers Can Fix | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
02/19/24 | 47601 | Legal Update II (2024-2025) | Legal Update II | Real Estate School of Texas | 4 |
05/10/22 | 42620 | Obsolete Electrical Panels - A Closer Look | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
05/05/22 | 40593 | Understanding Title commitments, surveys and boundary deletion | RE CE Elective | Texas American Title | 1 |
04/19/22 | 43171 | Understanding a Home Inspection as it Relates to Child Safety | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
04/05/22 | 39611 | Contracts - The One to Four Family Residential (Resale) | Contracts | Texas Real Estate Continuing Education | 3 |
03/21/22 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | Real Estate School of Texas | 4 |
02/21/22 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | Real Estate School of Texas | 4 |
02/15/22 | 41960 | REI 7-6 and Inspection Standards Update for Agents | RE CE Elective | | 1 |
11/11/21 | 39651 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
04/18/20 | 36507 | Real Estate Flood Protection | RE CE Elective | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 3 |
04/13/20 | 35367 | Broker Responsibility Course (2019-2020) | Broker Responsibility | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 6 |
04/11/20 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
02/05/20 | 36840 | Credit Reporting & Scoring: What You & Your Buyers Need to Know | RE CE Elective | ACE Credit Consulting | 1 |
11/04/19 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Real Estate School of Texas | 4 |
05/05/18 | 32420 | Investing in Real Estate | RE CE Elective | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 10 |
04/12/18 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
04/04/18 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
05/11/16 | 29080 | Essentials of Real Estate Transactions | RE CE Elective | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
05/10/16 | 29033 | Real Estate Toolbook | RE CE Elective | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 6 |
04/14/16 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
04/11/16 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | GeeWhiz Real Estate School | 4 |
05/12/14 | 24764 | REAL ESTATE MARKETING: HOW TO GET RICH IN REAL ESTATE...AND HAVE | RE CE Elective | St Edward's University Professional Education | 9 |
05/01/14 | 26447 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | St Edward's University Professional Education | 3 |
04/29/14 | 26448 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | St Edward's University Professional Education | 3 |
04/21/12 | 18278 | COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE | RE CE Elective | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 9 |
04/21/12 | 23560 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update I | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
04/21/12 | 23560 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
04/15/10 | 18656 | TREC Legal Update AND ETHICS MCE (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L & E) | Legal Update II | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
04/15/10 | 18279 | FORECLOSURES, SHORT SALES, REO'S AND AUCTIONS | RE CE Elective | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 9 |
04/15/10 | 18656 | TREC Legal Update AND ETHICS MCE (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L & E) | Legal Update I | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
04/18/09 | 17723 | RISK REDUCTION THROUGH AWARENESS | RE CE Elective | Real Estate School of Texas | 1 |
04/22/08 | 16040 | KEEPING CURRENT WITH TEXAS REAL ESTATE | RE CE Elective | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 9 |
04/22/08 | 16503 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE AND ETHICS MCE (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L & E) | Legal Update I | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
04/22/08 | 16503 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE AND ETHICS MCE (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L & E) | Legal Update II | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 3 |
05/03/07 | 911 | REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I | Qualifying RE Topics | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 30 |
05/10/06 | 511 | REAL ESTATE MARKETING I | Qualifying RE Topics | Texas A&M University-Commerce | 30 |
05/21/05 | 211 | REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL I | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
07/03/03 | 112 | Principles of Real Estate II | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
06/19/03 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
06/05/03 | 411 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE I | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
05/22/03 | 1021 | RES INSPECTION RE AGENTS | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
05/08/03 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
04/24/03 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |