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Alternate Names: "KIPP, SYLVIA", "KIPP, MARY SYLVIA"

Sales Agent, License #498057
Delegated Supervisor
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Sponsoring Broker

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Corporate Broker
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
08/08/2445537A Dozen Common TREC Contract ProblemsContractsTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
07/17/2444547Broker Responsibility Course (2023-2024)Broker ResponsibilityTexas REALTORS6
07/16/24467561031 Exchange BasicsRE CE ElectiveBrazos 1031 Exchange Company, LLC1
07/11/2444002The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
06/24/2448039Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation AgreementContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
05/30/2448184Avoiding Contract PitfallsContractsTexas REALTORS2
05/30/2448596Does the Pot Rack Stay?ContractsTexas REALTORS1
04/22/2447912Intro to Realtors Property Resource (RPR)RE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
04/11/2448045Equity in Every Lease: Fair Housing EssentialsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
11/28/2347604Legal Update II Instructor Training 24-25Legal Update IITexas Real Estate Commission4
10/24/2347603Legal Update I Instructor Training 24-25Legal Update ITexas Real Estate Commission4
10/23/2342040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
10/06/2347199Forecast: Texas Real Estate EconomicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
08/23/2342273Foundation Repairs As they Relate to Real Estate TransactionsRE CE ElectiveThomas M Kidd3
06/20/2342840New & Notable TREC Form ChangesContractsTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
06/20/2345535Marital Property RightsRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
05/01/2342004Introduction to REMINERE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
02/07/2342233Negotiation: Deliberate Dialogues for Real EstateRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
01/24/2344927TREC Contract UpdatesContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
09/01/2243278Appraisal UpdateRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
08/23/2242052Heirship Affidavits vs Probating WillsRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
07/24/2239962Broker Responsibility Course (2021-2022)Broker ResponsibilityThe CE Shop LLC6
07/19/2242039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update IEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC4
05/17/2242040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IIEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC4
03/22/2240325A Detailed Look at the 1-4 FamilyContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
02/02/2242727Inclusive LanguageRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
01/25/2240310Foundation Education for Real Estate AgentsRE CE ElectiveWilliamson Foundation Repair2
09/15/2139651The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
04/29/2140444Home Inspections: What Every Realtor Should KnowRE CE ElectiveGreen Scene Home Inspections1
04/28/2140610POAs & HOAsContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
04/27/2138775WHAT'S FAIR IN HOUSINGRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
04/21/2141316Smart Homes: Are You Smarter than the Home You're Showing?RE CE ElectiveGreen Scene Home Inspections1
04/16/2138869Mold: What You Need to Know & How to REad Air Sampling ReportsRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.1
04/14/2140339TREC contract Changes & New AddendaContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
02/03/2140339TREC contract Changes & New AddendaContractsEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
11/13/2037971Introduction to Video for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
11/10/2035810Marketing to the Affordable Housing BuyerRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
11/10/2035940Expanding Housing OpportunitiesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS4
11/09/2035809Help for HomebuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
11/09/2036025United Texas: Housing Initatives that WorkRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS4
09/15/2038951A Guide to AppraisalsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
09/11/2030122At Home with DiversityRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
08/25/2039667Successful HandoffRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
06/24/2035367Broker Responsibility Course (2019-2020)Broker ResponsibilityEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC6
05/20/2037797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
05/07/2038486Opportunities in Residential LeasingRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
05/01/2037796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
10/09/1936094Navigating The One to Four Family ContractContractsIndependence Title1
08/13/1936528Multiple Offers & the TREC ContractRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
10/05/1835030Forecast 2019RE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.3
08/29/1832743Completing the TREC 1-4 Family Residential Resale ContractRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
08/15/1835056Death and Divorce Aspects of Real Estate TransactionsRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
08/02/1833343Pinterest for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.1
07/11/1831450Broker Responsibility CourseBroker ResponsibilityEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC6
06/26/1833374Cracking the Code to Foundation IssuesRE CE ElectiveArch Foundation Repair1
06/01/1833197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC4
03/21/18309581031 Exchange BasicsRE CE ElectiveExchange Resource Group, LLC4
10/26/1732595Triple Threat Class: CLUE, Earthquake & FloodRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
10/24/1730987What's Your Personality?RE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
09/14/1732743Completing the TREC 1-4 Family Residential Resale ContractRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
09/10/1732665It's the Leader, Not the LeadRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
08/22/1731698Ebby Leasing 2017RE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
07/26/1731454Sticky Wicket IssuesRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
06/14/1731980Easements & AccessRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
06/13/1732035Things to Know About SurveysRE CE ElectiveHorton & Archibald, P.C.1
10/18/1630453Cyber ThreatsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
10/12/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IIRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.4
10/06/1629982Are They Difficult or Just DifferentRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
09/28/1630435A Guide to AppraisalsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
09/19/1630884Understanding How Square Footage is CalculatedRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/10/1630870Absorption Rate PricingRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/10/16308717 Steps to SuccessRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/08/1630967Secrets of Top AgentsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
08/15/1627975Harness Your Negotiation Power: BuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
06/20/1630637Is Your Pricing Strategy on Target?RE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
06/14/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
05/25/1627177Minerals 101RE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
05/25/1627602TREC vs Builder Contracts: A ComparisonRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
05/16/1627977What You Fail to Disclose Can Leave You ExposedRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
04/27/1627779STICKY WICKET ISSUESRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
04/11/1627976Hot Topics and Burning IssuesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
04/07/1629267What Do I Do Now? Wills, Probate & GuardianshipsRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
04/07/1629266Who, What, When, and Where of Marital Property and DivorceRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
03/24/1629262The Agent's Guide to Completing the TREC 1-4 Family ContractRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company2
02/29/1627980Don't Call Them Wealthy: Secrets to Working with Affluent ClientRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
01/11/1627981Creating Listings Where There Are NoneRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
01/08/1630073Builders Guide: From Dirt to InsulationRE CE ElectiveThrive Mortgage, LLC2
10/26/1526745Fraud & MisrepresentationRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
10/19/1527974Harness Your Negotiation Power: SellersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
10/16/1528986Brandable: Bringing the MassesRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
09/21/1527975Harness Your Negotiation Power: BuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
08/17/1527986Ten Lead Conversion Strategies that Really WorkRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
07/16/1527765Broker Responsibility CourseBroker ResponsibilityMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.6
06/30/1526043DRAFTING AND NEGOTIATING CONTRACTSRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.3
02/20/1526993Foundation Repairs: How to Avoid Closing Pitfalls While GainingRE CE ElectiveThomas M Kidd3
01/19/1527981Creating Listings Where There Are NoneRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
12/11/1426392TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update IDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.3
09/25/1422613A Dozen Common TREC Contract ProblemsRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
09/25/1422613A Dozen Common TREC Contract ProblemsRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
09/25/1425294MARITAL PROPERTY RIGHTSRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
08/20/1426473Ebby Leasing 2014RE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
06/20/1426392TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update IEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
06/20/1426393TREC Ethics MCELegal Update IIEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
05/29/1426907Contract RevisionsRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
05/29/1424663BACK-UP, CONTINGENT & MULTIPLE OFFERSRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
03/20/1426745Fraud & MisrepresentationRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
03/12/1424623THE FOUNDATION GAME, 10 STEPS TO BEATING BAD FOUNDATIONSRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
10/24/1325600HOME INSPECTIONSRE CE ElectiveHorton & Archibald, P.C.2
08/22/1318429DRAFTING AND NEGOTIATING CONTRACTSRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.3
08/01/1324622ARCH ENEMIES, SPOTTING FOUNDATION VILLAINSRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
07/11/1325780PROFIT OR LOSS...COACHING AGENTS IN TODAY'S MARKETRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
07/10/1325334EASEMENTS & ACCESSRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
04/17/13253932013 SPRING INDUSTRY UPDATERE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.4
04/15/1324992RED FLAGSRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
12/05/12231614D - DEATH, DIVORCE, DEEDS, DEBTRE CE ElectiveHorton & Archibald, P.C.1
10/24/1224649FUSION MLSRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.3
10/17/1224840THE REALTOR'S SIXTH SENSERE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
09/07/1224214BROKER RESPONSIBILITY COURSEBroker ResponsibilityTexas REALTORS6
08/22/1223944EBBY LEASING RECERTIFICATIONRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
05/23/1223610CONNECTING TO THE CLOUDRE CE ElectiveAmy Smythe Harris2
05/23/1223902TABLETS FOR TODAY'S REALTORRE CE ElectiveAmy Smythe Harris2
02/23/1222271TREC 1-4 Family, Line by LineRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
02/16/1218372BANKRUPTCY & TRANSFERRING TITLERE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
02/07/122357260 Mortgage MinutesRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
01/24/1223556TREC Ethics MCELegal Update IIEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
01/24/1223555TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update IEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
01/13/1223602Innovation 2012 - The Game PlanRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2
11/03/1123435The Mortgage Credit Certificate ProgramRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
07/29/1018763ASSESSING BORROWER & LENDER RISK (ONLINE)RE CE ElectiveCE Network, Inc.1
07/29/1019333CRISIS IN THE U.S. HOUSING MARKET (ONLINE)RE CE ElectiveCE Network, Inc.1
07/28/1018657TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (ONLINE EXAM)Legal Update ICE Network, Inc.3
07/27/1018658TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (ONLINE EXAM)Legal Update IICE Network, Inc.3
01/06/1018606HUD-1 & CLOSING COSTSRE CE ElectiveJ Marc Hesse, PC1
10/08/0917775OPPORTUNITES IN RESIDENTIAL LEASINGRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
07/19/0816504TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (ONLINE EXAM)Legal Update ICE Network, Inc.3
05/20/0816808STAGING TO SELLRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
04/22/0816757SPRING 2008 INDUSTRY UPDATERE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.4
01/23/0715286GENERATIONAL SELLINGRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD9
08/31/0613836TREC ETHICS MCE (E)Legal Update IIUS INSPECT LLC3
07/31/0614638HOT MCE TOPICS FOR 2006 (INCLUDES E&L)Legal Update IIKaplan University3
07/31/0614638HOT MCE TOPICS FOR 2006 (INCLUDES E&L)Legal Update IKaplan University3
07/31/0614638HOT MCE TOPICS FOR 2006 (INCLUDES E&L)RE CE ElectiveKaplan University9
01/24/0613973OUTLOOK MADE SIMPLERE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
09/11/0313101NTREIS LISTINGRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2
04/10/02211REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL IQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30
04/03/02511REAL ESTATE MARKETING IQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30
03/27/021200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30
03/20/021111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30
03/18/02111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30
03/13/02112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Career Training30