Alternate Name: "SCHULTZ, MARLA"
Sales Agent, License #495638
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
04/23/24 | 47601 | Legal Update II (2024-2025) | Legal Update II | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
04/22/24 | 47600 | Legal Update I (2024-2025) | Legal Update I | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
11/09/23 | 47297 | An Analysis Of The Multiple Avenues To Terminate A Contract | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
11/08/23 | 47315 | Buying Land: Ten Mistakes To Avoid | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
09/18/23 | 47297 | An Analysis Of The Multiple Avenues To Terminate A Contract | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
09/18/23 | 42499 | Texas Residential Sales Contract: Some Thoughts & Concerns | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
09/18/23 | 47315 | Buying Land: Ten Mistakes To Avoid | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
08/30/22 | 39962 | Broker Responsibility Course (2021-2022) | Broker Responsibility | Texas REALTORS | 6 |
06/29/22 | 43780 | Keep On, Keeping On: The Plan After The Resolution | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/23/22 | 42499 | Texas Residential Sales Contract: Some Thoughts & Concerns | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/23/22 | 41340 | An Analysis of the Multiple Avenues to Terminate a Contract | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/23/22 | 42428 | Seller's Disclosure: The What, When and Why of Disclosing | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
03/22/22 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
03/22/22 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
10/18/21 | 39962 | Broker Responsibility Course (2021-2022) | Broker Responsibility | Tiago Title, LLC | 6 |
09/21/21 | 38137 | MUDs, PIDs, and PUDs | RE CE Elective | Texas AgriLife Extension Service | 2 |
05/25/21 | 40438 | The ABCs of Short Sales and Foreclosures | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 4 |
03/31/21 | 39679 | TREC and Texas Realtor Form Changes | Contracts | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
01/29/21 | 39679 | TREC and Texas Realtor Form Changes | Contracts | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
05/21/20 | 39168 | Land Use Developments, PUDS, MUDs, PIDs and SUDs | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/21/20 | 35654 | Financial Picture Of The Closing: Reading The Closing Disclosure | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/20/20 | 35614 | Why Why Why Does The Title Company Need A Survey? | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/19/20 | 38473 | Seller's Disclosure: The What When And Why of Disclosing | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
05/14/20 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
05/12/20 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | Tiago Title, LLC | 4 |
01/17/20 | 35367 | Broker Responsibility Course (2019-2020) | Broker Responsibility | McKissock Learning | 6 |
03/13/19 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | The CE Shop LLC | 4 |
10/11/18 | 33488 | Promoting Your Listing Online | RE CE Elective | Schmooze Networking | 1 |
06/14/18 | 31416 | Roadmap to Success: Business Planning for Real Estate Proffessio | RE CE Elective | The CE Shop LLC | 3 |
06/14/18 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | The CE Shop LLC | 4 |
05/09/18 | 33992 | Legalities in Advertising | RE CE Elective | The Law Office of Christopher J. Sullivan, PLLC | 1 |
01/16/18 | 33050 | Zeroing In On Zipforms Plus | RE CE Elective | Independence Title | 1 |
05/17/17 | 30295 | How to Work Multiple Offers Without Giving Your Broker an Ulcer | RE CE Elective | Chicago Title DFW | 1 |
06/30/16 | 29093 | Foundation Repair Essentials | RE CE Elective | MBRGFR.com | 3 |
04/06/16 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | Texas Real Estate Educational Systems | 4 |
04/06/16 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | Texas Real Estate Educational Systems | 4 |
04/05/16 | 29328 | Taming the Digital Dragon | RE CE Elective | Texas Real Estate Educational Systems | 4 |
04/05/16 | 27765 | Broker Responsibility Course | Broker Responsibility | Texas Real Estate Educational Systems | 6 |
02/18/16 | 29093 | Foundation Repair Essentials | RE CE Elective | MBRGFR.com | 3 |
05/26/15 | 26658 | Title Insurance: #huh?#whatisit? | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
03/25/15 | 26901 | Earnest Money Disputes: An Unfortunate Reality | RE CE Elective | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
08/20/14 | 27047 | Advanced MLS Listings | RE CE Elective | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 3 |
06/05/14 | 25774 | FARMING IN THE 21ST CENTURY | RE CE Elective | Fidelity National Title Agency, Inc. | 1 |
05/21/14 | 25895 | HOW TO WIN THE LISTING BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT | RE CE Elective | MyCE Academy | 3 |
05/21/14 | 24487 | FHA AND VA DISTRESSED PROPERTY OPTIONS | RE CE Elective | MyCE Academy | 3 |
03/18/14 | 26321 | RSC'S - WHY SHOULD I BOTHER? | RE CE Elective | Tom Westhora | 1 |
03/06/14 | 25399 | REVERSE MORTGAGE FOR HOME PURCHASE | RE CE Elective | Sente Mortgage, Inc. | 1 |
02/18/14 | 26393 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | First American Title Guaranty Company | 3 |
01/14/14 | 26392 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | First National Title Insurance Company | 3 |
08/15/13 | 24663 | BACK-UP, CONTINGENT & MULTIPLE OFFERS | RE CE Elective | Republic Title of Texas, Inc. | 1 |
02/26/13 | 23924 | SEVEN WAYS TO AVOID MISTAKES | Qualifying RE Topics | Westcor Land Title Insurance Company | 1 |
05/30/12 | 23788 | CLOSING AND SETTLEMENT COSTS | RE CE Elective | Lamar Institute of Technology | 3 |
05/15/12 | 23556 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 3 |
04/17/12 | 23555 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 3 |
04/17/12 | 17986 | MARITAL PROPERTY RIGHTS | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
04/05/12 | 22989 | Basic Bankruptcy for Realtors | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
03/22/12 | 23363 | RSC's - Why Should I Bother? | RE CE Elective | Tom Westhora | 1 |
02/22/12 | 23364 | The Thank You Economy | RE CE Elective | Tom Westhora | 1 |
10/06/11 | 23270 | THE TEXAS FORECLOSURE PROCESS | RE CE Elective | FNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc. | 1 |
10/07/10 | 19337 | IS IT S.A.F.E. TO DO OWNER FINANCING IN TEXAS? | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
03/12/10 | 18770 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACTS & NEGOTIATIONS(EL) (IN | Legal Update II | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 3 |
03/12/10 | 18770 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACTS & NEGOTIATIONS(EL) (IN | RE CE Elective | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 9 |
03/12/10 | 18770 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACTS & NEGOTIATIONS(EL) (IN | Legal Update I | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 3 |
01/25/08 | 16573 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACT & NEGOTIATIONS (INCLUDE | RE CE Elective | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 9 |
01/25/08 | 16573 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACT & NEGOTIATIONS (INCLUDE | Legal Update I | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 3 |
01/25/08 | 16573 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS CONTRACT & NEGOTIATIONS (INCLUDE | Legal Update II | Collin County Association of REALTORS, Inc. | 3 |
05/31/06 | 13907 | THE ULTIMATE TIME MANAGEMENT COURSE | RE CE Elective | 1ST American Continuing | 9 |
05/31/06 | 14295 | TREC MANDATORY ETHICS UPDATE (E) (ON-LINE/EXAM) | Legal Update II | 1ST American Continuing | 3 |
05/31/06 | 14296 | TREC MANDATORY LEGAL UPDATE (L) (ON-LINE/EXAM) | Legal Update I | 1ST American Continuing | 3 |
05/03/05 | 521 | MKTG-SELLERS/LISTING AGNT | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
04/29/04 | 1021 | RES INSPECTION RE AGENTS | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
04/29/03 | 523 | PSYCHOLOGY OF MARKETING | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
10/25/01 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
09/24/01 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |
09/21/01 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | Lone Star College Tomball | 30 |