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Sales Agent, License #430221
Delegated Supervisor
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
05/11/2344523Completing the TREC Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
07/11/2241205Journey of a FileRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
07/11/2243405Title Commitment A to DRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
05/25/2241013Paragraph 6 SpotlightContractsIndependence Title1
04/11/2242040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
04/11/2242039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
03/02/2242702The Realtor & The Inspection ReportRE CE ElectiveReal Estate Education Center2
02/24/2239862Completing the TREC Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
07/21/2140336Lead Generation: Secrets to Success in Real EstateRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
10/22/2039862Completing the TREC Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
09/09/2039651The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
06/22/2035469Top 20 Marketing IdeasRE CE ElectiveCapital Title of Texas, LLC1
06/11/2034763Keeping Clients for LifeRE CE ElectiveCapital Title of Texas, LLC1
01/07/2037841Negotiation: Deliberate Dialogues for Real EstateRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
10/15/1937163Getting the Most Out of RPRRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
08/06/1934137Social Media Advertising for Real EstateRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
07/23/1935041Writing Effective Listing DescriptionsRE CE ElectiveAbby Vasek Interiors2
05/14/1933198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IIMission Title, LP4
05/07/1933197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IMission Title, LP4
04/23/1934399Title Commitment A to DRE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
04/02/1933070Winning Strategies to Win the Negotiation and Win the SaleRE CE ElectiveMission Title, LP1
11/06/1834770Get Creative with CanvaRE CE ElectiveCapital Title of Texas, LLC1
07/24/1833469What Would You Do? Part 1RE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
05/17/1833197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
05/17/1833198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IIChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
01/30/1832182Texas Vet: Housing and Land Loan ProgramsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
01/25/1832481Accredited Buyer's RepresentativeRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD15
11/10/1730194Military Relocation ProfessionalRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD10
11/07/1730355Title CommitmentsRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
09/19/1732917Who, What, When and Where of Marital Property & DivorceRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
06/14/16528Real Estate Marketing: CommercialQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
04/12/161021RES INSPECTION RE AGENTSQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
03/17/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IIChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
03/17/1629622Legal Update ILegal Update IChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
03/08/16226Real Estate Appraisal: FundamentalsQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
02/09/1628632Texas Vet: Housing and Land Loan ProgramRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
01/20/1629949Farm and Ranch Real EstateRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD10
06/19/14111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
06/17/141111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
06/12/14322PROMULGATED CONTRACTS FORMS 0322Qualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
06/10/14411REAL ESTATE FINANCE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
06/05/141200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
06/03/14112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30