Sales Agent, License #471703
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
07/18/23 | 44460 | Essential Topics: 3-Hour Contract Review | Contracts | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 3 |
07/18/23 | 46133 | Emotional Intelligence In Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 3 |
07/18/23 | 45377 | Know Your Landlord and Tenant Rights | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 2 |
07/17/23 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
07/17/23 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
07/17/23 | 42238 | Technology Update | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 2 |
05/04/22 | 42196 | Selling New Construction Successfully and Competently | RE CE Elective | Knowledge is Power Real Estate Education | 3 |
07/29/21 | 40030 | Essential Topics: 3-Hour Contract Review | Contracts | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 3 |
07/29/21 | 40466 | Eye on Real Estate: Trends and Disruptors | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 5 |
07/28/21 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
07/28/21 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
07/28/21 | 38145 | Technology Update | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 2 |
02/12/20 | 34390 | Using Realtors Property Resource for Real Estate | RE CE Elective | First American Title Company | 3 |
02/04/20 | 38509 | Misunderstood Topics...FIRPTA & Intermediary | RE CE Elective | Benchmark MCE | 2 |
06/20/19 | 35041 | Writing Effective Listing Descriptions | RE CE Elective | Abby Vasek Interiors | 2 |
05/13/19 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | Knowledge is Power Real Estate Education | 4 |
03/08/19 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Knowledge is Power Real Estate Education | 4 |
02/15/19 | 33555 | Insider's Guide to Commercial Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 10 |
01/29/18 | 33545 | Matrix Overview Part 2 - Customization | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
01/29/18 | 33544 | Matrix Overview Part 1 - Getting Started | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
07/05/17 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | Texas REALTORS | 4 |
07/05/17 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | Texas REALTORS | 4 |
05/11/17 | 31450 | Broker Responsibility Course | Broker Responsibility | Conroe Real Estate Agent Training and Education | 6 |
04/04/17 | 30988 | Social Media Planning to Boost Your Business | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 2 |
04/04/17 | 30520 | Selling by Generation | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
05/19/16 | 29805 | How to Deal With Difficult Sellers | RE CE Elective | Twist Ed | 3 |
07/22/15 | 26447 | TREC Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | Lone Star College Tomball | 3 |
07/22/15 | 26448 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Lone Star College Tomball | 3 |
07/21/15 | 26670 | Prospering in the Hot Texas Market | RE CE Elective | Lone Star College Tomball | 9 |
04/15/15 | 27924 | CFPB--INTEGRATED MORTGAGE DISCLOSURE FINAL RULE | RE CE Elective | Old Republic National Title Insurance Company | 1 |
02/19/15 | 26392 | TREC Legal Update MCE | Legal Update I | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
12/10/13 | 25639 | BUYING REAL ESTATE IN IRA'S ESA'S AND 401K'S | RE CE Elective | Quest Trust Company | 3 |
07/27/13 | 24036 | When Residential Agents Sell Investment Real Estate | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 6 |
07/26/13 | 24033 | Contracts Law | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
07/26/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
07/26/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update I | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
07/22/11 | 18649 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Stewart Title Guaranty Company | 3 |
07/21/11 | 18650 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Stewart Title Guaranty Company | 3 |
11/12/09 | 411 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
09/10/09 | 211 | REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
08/20/09 | 611 | REAL ESTATE MATH I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
07/13/09 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
07/10/09 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
06/18/09 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
08/27/08 | 16577 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS A CONTRACT UPDATE | Legal Update II | 123MCE.COM | 3 |
08/27/08 | 16577 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS A CONTRACT UPDATE | Legal Update I | 123MCE.COM | 3 |
08/27/08 | 16577 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE & ETHICS PLUS A CONTRACT UPDATE | RE CE Elective | 123MCE.COM | 9 |
06/07/07 | 15586 | THE ODDS BE WITH YOU | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Education Services | 3 |
05/31/07 | 13836 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SCHOOLS | 3 |
05/31/07 | 13837 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SCHOOLS | 3 |
06/10/06 | 13837 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 3 |
06/10/06 | 13779 | SELLING IN A DIVERSE MARKET | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 9 |
06/09/06 | 13836 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 3 |
05/28/04 | 13222 | THE REALTOR CODE OF ETHICS - VIDEO TRAINING | Legal Update II | Real Estate Education Services | 3 |
05/28/04 | 12703 | TREC CONTRACT | Legal Update I | Real Estate Education Services | 4 |
05/27/04 | 13473 | LEGAL UPDATE | Legal Update I | Real Estate Education Services | 8 |
05/17/03 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
09/07/02 | 12512 | REAL ESTATE MCE UPDATE (NEW COURSE #3482) | RE CE Elective | USA Training Company, Inc. | 3 |
09/07/02 | 12512 | REAL ESTATE MCE UPDATE (NEW COURSE #3482) | Legal Update I | USA Training Company, Inc. | 12 |
04/27/02 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
03/14/01 | 811 | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT I | Qualifying RE Topics | USA Training Company, Inc. | 30 |
11/30/98 | 411 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
10/31/98 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
10/31/98 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |
09/30/98 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | College of the Mainland | 45 |