Sales Agent, License #236419
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
10/25/23 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | 123CE Inc | 4 |
10/25/23 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | 123CE Inc | 4 |
10/25/23 | 44251 | Forms: One to Four and More | Contracts | 123CE Inc | 3 |
10/05/23 | 44245 | Laws: Fair Housing | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 3 |
10/05/23 | 44253 | Rules: TREC Advertising | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 2 |
10/05/23 | 44369 | Real Estate: Your Credit Report and Score | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 1 |
10/05/23 | 44257 | Agency: Do You Represent a Client? | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 1 |
11/21/21 | 41041 | Fair Housing: Anti-Discrimination | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 3 |
11/21/21 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | 123CE Inc | 4 |
11/20/21 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | 123CE Inc | 4 |
11/20/21 | 41006 | Credit: Your Score and Report | RE CE Elective | 123CE Inc | 1 |
02/09/21 | 32557 | Real Estate Safety Matters: Safe Business = Smart Business | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
01/26/21 | 37688 | The Forms You Need to Know | Contracts | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
11/24/19 | 36351 | Financing the Buyer 3.0 | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
11/24/19 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Alliance Academy | 4 |
11/24/19 | 36925 | Finance Updates for Agents | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
11/24/19 | 36921 | Real Estate Finance for Agents | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
11/24/19 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | Alliance Academy | 4 |
11/24/19 | 34726 | Marketing Basics | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 1 |
02/28/18 | 32089 | Financing the Buyer 2.0 | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
02/28/18 | 32536 | Real Estate Finance Refresher | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
02/28/18 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Alliance Academy | 4 |
02/28/18 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | Alliance Academy | 4 |
02/28/18 | 32534 | Challenges in Mortgage Lending | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 3 |
02/27/18 | 30830 | Marketing Basics | RE CE Elective | Alliance Academy | 1 |
11/05/15 | 26476 | TREC Legal Update and Ethics MCE(L&E) Includes both | Legal Update I | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
11/05/15 | 26476 | TREC Legal Update and Ethics MCE(L&E) Includes both | Legal Update II | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
11/04/15 | 27443 | THE LAW OF THE LAND - FAIR HOUSING | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
11/04/15 | 27441 | GOOD GUYS/BAD GUYS - WHO'S WHO IN MORTGAGE FRAUD | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
11/04/15 | 27440 | NATURE VS CHEMICALS | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
10/09/13 | 24033 | Contracts Law | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
10/09/13 | 24036 | When Residential Agents Sell Investment Real Estate | RE CE Elective | WebCE, Inc | 6 |
10/09/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update I | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
10/09/13 | 23563 | TREC Legal Update & Ethics MCE | Legal Update II | WebCE, Inc | 3 |
11/19/10 | 19244 | PARAGRAPH 7: PROPERTY CONDITION | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
11/19/10 | 17892 | RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
11/18/10 | 18699 | Termination: Not As Simple As You Think | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
11/18/10 | 18649 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
11/18/10 | 18650 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
11/17/09 | 18622 | TREC CONTRACTS: PRACTICAL Q & A'S | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
11/06/09 | 16497 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 3 |
11/06/09 | 16496 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 3 |
06/25/09 | 17633 | SHORT SALES IN REAL ESTATE | RE CE Elective | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 2 |
06/25/09 | 17069 | THE ABC'S OF A GREAT CLOSING | RE CE Elective | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 1 |
06/25/09 | 16959 | SELLING THE SLOW-MOVING HOUSE | RE CE Elective | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 2 |
09/28/07 | 13837 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
09/28/07 | 13836 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
09/27/07 | 14569 | TREC CONTRACTS AND FORMS - THE PAPER TRAIL UPDATE | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
04/18/06 | 14577 | ZIPFORM - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
03/03/06 | 18700 | STATE BAR COURSE | RE CE Elective | 2 | |
09/30/05 | 13819 | REAL ESTATE ETHICS - A CASE STUDY | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
09/30/05 | 13837 | TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
09/30/05 | 13836 | TREC ETHICS MCE (E) | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
09/29/05 | 14124 | LANDLORD-TENANT ISSUES-KNOW THE TEXAS LAW! | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
09/29/05 | 13284 | PROMULGATED TO PROTECT: WORKING WITH THE LATEST TREC FORMS | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
03/14/03 | 12781 | REAL ESTATE ETHICS: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
03/14/03 | 12443 | WIN-WIN: PEACE AND HARMONEY BETWEEN LANDLORDS AND TENANTS | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
03/13/03 | 12780 | REAL ESTATE: THE PLAYERS AND THE RULES | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
03/13/03 | 12318 | NOTHING STAYS THE SAME: WORKING WITH NEW AND REVISED TREC FORMS | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 4 |
04/16/02 | 18700 | STATE BAR COURSE | Legal Update I | 2 | |
10/18/01 | 11922 | DOING THE RIGHT THING | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
09/21/01 | 11575 | EFFECTIVE BUYER REPRESENTATION | Legal Update I | Kaplan Real Estate Education | 9 |
09/21/01 | 11575 | EFFECTIVE BUYER REPRESENTATION | RE CE Elective | Kaplan Real Estate Education | 6 |
08/27/99 | 11300 | 2000 AND BEYOND: AN MCE UPDATE, PART 2 | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
08/27/99 | 11300 | 2000 AND BEYOND: AN MCE UPDATE, PART 2 | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
08/27/99 | 11300 | 2000 AND BEYOND: AN MCE UPDATE, PART 2 | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
08/26/99 | 11299 | 2000 AND BEYOND: AN MCE UPDATE, PART 1 | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 7 |
08/26/99 | 11299 | 2000 AND BEYOND: AN MCE UPDATE, PART 1 | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
10/16/98 | 18700 | STATE BAR COURSE | Legal Update I | 3 | |
07/18/97 | 10826 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 2 | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 1 |
07/18/97 | 10826 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 2 | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
07/18/97 | 10826 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 2 | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
07/17/97 | 10825 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 1 | Legal Update II | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
07/17/97 | 10825 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 1 | RE CE Elective | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 2 |
07/17/97 | 10825 | TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 1 | Legal Update I | Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc | 3 |
06/08/95 | 10407 | REAL ESTATE MCE UPDATE | Legal Update I | THE VICTORIA COLLEGE | 12 |
06/08/95 | 10407 | REAL ESTATE MCE UPDATE | RE CE Elective | THE VICTORIA COLLEGE | 3 |
08/09/93 | 10198 | DISCRIMINATION DOWNFALLS IN HOUSING | Legal Update I | REALTOR Academy | 3 |
08/08/93 | 10199 | AGENCY IN THE 90'S | Legal Update I | REALTOR Academy | 3 |
08/08/93 | 10199 | AGENCY IN THE 90'S | Legal Update II | REALTOR Academy | 3 |
10/24/92 | 10057 | LAW UPDATE I | Legal Update I | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
03/19/92 | 10001 | BUYER AGENCY | Legal Update I | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
02/29/88 | 5998 | ADDED BY IS | Qualifying RE Topics | ADDED BY IS | 180 |