Sales Agent, License #765810
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
01/23/25 | 51174 | What's in the One To Four Contract? | Contracts | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 3 |
12/12/24 | 50569 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
10/17/24 | 50226 | HAR Engage Conference 2024 | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 6 |
07/24/24 | 44757 | Inspecting Hurricane and Flood Damage | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/21/24 | 44970 | Insurance-The Tips That Can Make a Realtor More Successful! | RE CE Elective | Agency Yu, INC | 1 |
05/07/24 | 48618 | PUDs, MUDs and PIDs In Texas | RE CE Elective | Old Republic National Title Insurance Company | 1 |
04/09/24 | 44774 | Stucco Inspections | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
02/15/24 | 44759 | Solar Panels | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
10/12/23 | 46866 | HAR Engage Conference 2023 | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 6 |
02/23/23 | 44385 | Contracts: The TAR Residential Lease | Contracts | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
02/09/23 | 551 | Real Estate Marketing | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
02/02/23 | 44535 | Contracts: TREC 1 to 4 Family Contract | Contracts | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
12/29/22 | 42396 | Texas Landlord-Tenant Law | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 4 |
11/16/22 | 40475 | Braving the Video Marketing World | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/14/22 | 44540 | HAR Engage Conference 2022 | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 5 |
06/27/22 | 39366 | Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy Environment | RE CE Elective | RealStar-U, LLC | 2 |
04/29/22 | 40606 | ABC's of CRM | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/01/21 | 40099 | CMA Price it Right - Matrix | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/01/21 | 38158 | Matrix Overview Part 2 - Customization | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
09/30/21 | 38157 | Matrix Overview Part 1 - Getting Started | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
08/24/21 | 935 | Real Estate Investment | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
08/19/21 | 527 | Real Estate Marketing: Power House Training | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
08/16/21 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
08/09/21 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
04/30/21 | 1151 | Law of Agency | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
04/20/21 | 121 | Principles of Real Estate I | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
03/30/21 | 122 | Principles of Real Estate II | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
03/23/21 | 1251 | Law of Contracts | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
03/18/21 | 351 | Promulgated Contract Forms | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
03/16/21 | 451 | Real Estate Finance | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |