Sales Agent, License #648206
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
06/26/24 | 48039 | Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement | Contracts | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 2 |
03/27/24 | 47601 | Legal Update II (2024-2025) | Legal Update II | FNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc. | 4 |
03/26/24 | 47600 | Legal Update I (2024-2025) | Legal Update I | FNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc. | 4 |
02/21/24 | 44002 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
08/30/23 | 42649 | Navigating a Residential Lease Transaction | Contracts | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 2 |
08/12/23 | 45974 | Property Owner Associations and Subdivision Information | RE CE Elective | Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C. | 1 |
05/04/23 | 46141 | How to Use ChatGPT for your Business | RE CE Elective | MTritt Inc. | 1 |
05/04/23 | 46143 | Create an Amazing Online Brand in 10 Steps | RE CE Elective | MTritt Inc. | 1 |
04/12/23 | 42837 | A Deeper Dive into the TREC Financing Contingency | Contracts | Laurence Henry, PLLC | 1 |
01/23/23 | 44215 | Contracts & Common Addendums | Contracts | National Title Group, LLC | 6 |
11/30/22 | 41370 | Social Media Marketing for Real Estate | RE CE Elective | Laurence Henry, PLLC | 1 |
10/05/22 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | Vortex CE | 4 |
06/15/22 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | Vortex CE | 4 |
09/15/21 | 39651 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
08/12/21 | 41613 | A Detailed Look at the TXR Residential Lease | Contracts | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 3 |
03/17/21 | 38486 | Opportunities in Residential Leasing | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 2 |
03/15/21 | 38707 | New & Notable TREC Form Changes | Contracts | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
01/20/21 | 40325 | A Detailed Look at the 1-4 Family | Contracts | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 3 |
01/13/21 | 40339 | TREC contract Changes & New Addenda | Contracts | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
07/29/20 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 4 |
07/17/20 | 37241 | Tax Implications Every Real Estate Agent Should Know | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 2 |
06/09/20 | 33058 | Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMA | RE CE Elective | The CE Shop LLC | 6 |
05/01/20 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | Texas REALTORS | 4 |
01/16/20 | 36162 | Staging For Success | RE CE Elective | Stewart Title Company | 1 |
05/20/19 | 35011 | Top 10 Calls to the Title Attorney | RE CE Elective | Laurence Henry, PLLC | 1 |
10/03/18 | 35010 | Critical Client Closing Communication | RE CE Elective | Laurence Henry, PLLC | 1 |
09/19/18 | 33198 | Legal Update II (2018-2019) | Legal Update II | Laurence Henry, PLLC | 4 |
08/13/18 | 32443 | Event Planning for the Real Estate Professional | RE CE Elective | Alliant National Title Insurance Company | 2 |
08/01/18 | 33197 | Legal Update I (2018-2019) | Legal Update I | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 4 |
05/22/18 | 33624 | Leasing Refresher 2018 | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
03/28/18 | 33597 | Negotiation Strategies | RE CE Elective | Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C. | 2 |
11/06/17 | 32337 | Buyer Be Aware | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 2 |
08/10/17 | 30530 | Stats, Stats & More Stats | RE CE Elective | Republic Title of Texas, Inc. | 2 |
04/27/17 | 31699 | Leasing Refresher 2017 | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
10/31/16 | 31155 | Ins and Outs of the TREC One to Four Contract | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 2 |
10/19/16 | 29983 | Leasing Refresher 2016 | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
10/06/16 | 30482 | The Dirty Dozen: Common Contract Problems | RE CE Elective | Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C. | 2 |
09/12/16 | 29623 | Legal Update II | Legal Update II | The Real Estate Business School | 4 |
09/06/16 | 29622 | Legal Update I | Legal Update I | The Real Estate Business School | 4 |
07/18/16 | 27974 | Harness Your Negotiation Power: Sellers | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
07/08/16 | 211 | REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL I | Qualifying RE Topics | ST EDWARDS UNIVERSITY | 30 |
06/20/16 | 27163 | DocuSign with Zipforms | RE CE Elective | Title Resources Guaranty Company | 1 |
05/06/16 | 29440 | zipForm Plus | RE CE Elective | Republic Title of Texas, Inc. | 3 |
03/17/16 | 711 | REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE I | Qualifying RE Topics | ST EDWARDS UNIVERSITY | 30 |
02/28/16 | 526 | Real Estate Marketing: Principles of Business | Qualifying RE Topics | ST EDWARDS UNIVERSITY | 30 |
01/11/16 | 27981 | Creating Listings Where There Are None | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
11/18/15 | 29791 | Managing Your Listings: Getting the Best and Accurate Exposure | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
10/07/15 | 26369 | Accessing Public Records Using NTREIS Tax | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
09/28/15 | 28558 | Change is Coming-New CFPB Disclosures and Guidelines | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
09/09/15 | 27072 | Prospecting and Client Management with Matrix MLS | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
08/17/15 | 27986 | Ten Lead Conversion Strategies that Really Work | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
08/12/15 | 26510 | ZipForm Online | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
07/22/15 | 26370 | NTREIS Find | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
07/20/15 | 27984 | Cool Tools You'll Use to Better Serve Consumers | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
06/24/15 | 27074 | Advance Matrix MLS | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
06/23/15 | 28226 | Ebby Leasing 2015 | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 3 |
06/15/15 | 28558 | Change is Coming-New CFPB Disclosures and Guidelines | RE CE Elective | Ebby Halliday Real Estate, LLC | 1 |
04/02/15 | 27073 | Introduction to Matrix MLS | RE CE Elective | MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc. | 3 |
09/15/14 | 322 | PROMULGATED CONTRACTS FORMS 0322 | Qualifying RE Topics | KAPLAN UNIVERSITY | 30 |
08/30/14 | 1200 | LAW OF CONTRACTS | Qualifying RE Topics | KAPLAN UNIVERSITY | 30 |
08/12/14 | 411 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE I | Qualifying RE Topics | KAPLAN UNIVERSITY | 30 |
07/20/14 | 1111 | LAW OF AGENCY | Qualifying RE Topics | KAPLAN UNIVERSITY | 30 |
07/08/14 | 111 | PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I | Qualifying RE Topics | KAPLAN UNIVERSITY | 60 |