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Sales Agent, License #645854
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Corporate Broker
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
08/23/2447601Legal Update II (2024-2025)Legal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
08/22/2449734Document Diligence: Safeguard Your TransactionsContractsThe CE Shop LLC4
08/08/2447950Using the Code to Solve Ethical DilemmasRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC3
08/08/2447600Legal Update I (2024-2025)Legal Update IThe CE Shop LLC4
08/06/2446340Working with RE Investors: Understanding Investor StrategyRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC3
08/03/2242040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
08/02/2242039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update IThe CE Shop LLC4
08/01/2240002Contract Competence in TexasContractsThe CE Shop LLC3
08/01/2241912Hot Topics in Real EstateRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC3
08/01/2241913Ethical Excellence: Raising the BarRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC4
09/03/2039097Technology Tools, Trends, and Risk ManagementRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC4
09/01/2037693Hot Topics In Real EstateRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC3
09/01/2037797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
06/24/2037796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update IThe CE Shop LLC4
03/11/2037191Overcoming Appraisal ObstaclesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
03/11/2035285Rightly Valuing Property: Beyond the CMARE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
08/22/1834860Oh What A Web!RE CE ElectiveCarlisle Title of Texas, LLC2
08/01/1833198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IICollin County Association of REALTORS, Inc.4
08/01/1833197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update ICollin County Association of REALTORS, Inc.4
05/02/1832651Signing SavvyRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
04/11/1833489Marketing to MillenialsRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
04/10/1833285Real Estate ContractsRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2
03/28/1832338Success Tips for a Happy SellerRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
02/15/1832311Introduction to Divorce Real EstateRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy3
11/21/1733412How to Mess Up Your Deal Without Really Trying 2.0RE CE ElectiveChicago Title DFW2
09/28/1732182Texas Vet: Housing and Land Loan ProgramsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
08/23/1730812Full and Fair DisclosureRE CE ElectiveChicago Title DFW1
08/09/1732652BloopersRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
07/27/1730482The Dirty Dozen: Common Contract ProblemsRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2
04/26/1730435A Guide to AppraisalsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
01/25/1730913Advanced Cloud CMARE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
01/11/1728410Your Clients and Their CreditRE CE ElectiveWayne The Credit Guy2
11/09/1628909Appraisal IssuesRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
11/09/1630453Cyber ThreatsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
11/02/1631115Teach Me How To TitleRE CE ElectiveSchultz and Kellar, PLLC1
11/02/1631116TREC Contract Forms and AddendaRE CE ElectiveSchultz and Kellar, PLLC1
08/23/1629984Ebby Leasing 2016RE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
08/15/1627975Harness Your Negotiation Power: BuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
06/22/1630530Stats, Stats & More StatsRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
05/18/1630051RPR MobileRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
05/16/1627977What You Fail to Disclose Can Leave You ExposedRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
05/12/1629623Legal Update IILegal Update IITitle Resources Guaranty Company4
04/14/1630476It's Not the Lead - It's the LeaderRE CE ElectiveCollin County Association of REALTORS, Inc.3
04/11/1627976Hot Topics and Burning IssuesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
03/10/1627533Mind Blowing Prospecting ToolsRE CE ElectiveFidelity National Title Agency, Inc.1
02/25/1629622Legal Update ILegal Update ITitle Resources Guaranty Company4
02/18/16556GRI MarketingQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
02/09/1628834Understanding FICO & Managing CreditRE CE ElectiveMyCE Academy3
01/11/1627981Creating Listings Where There Are NoneRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
11/19/15444GRI I(FINANCE)Qualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
11/16/1527987Go for the CloseRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
10/15/15777GRI:REAL ESTATE BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
09/21/1527975Harness Your Negotiation Power: BuyersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
08/17/1527986Ten Lead Conversion Strategies that Really WorkRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
07/20/1527984Cool Tools You'll Use to Better Serve ConsumersRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
06/24/1527470COMMERCIAL REALTORS AND WATER RIGHTS IN TEXASRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
06/03/1528558Change is Coming-New CFPB Disclosures and GuidelinesRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
05/18/1527062List to LastRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
04/29/1528407Earnest Money: Default and FaultRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC1
04/15/1527787Foundations, Everything you need to know to save your buyer or sRE CE ElectiveLighthouse Engineering, LLC/Michael Gandy1
03/06/1526835The Power to Generating Quality LeadsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
02/04/1525995DEFINITIONS & RULES OF THE 1031 EXCHANGERE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
01/21/1527177Minerals 101RE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
12/03/1427779STICKY WICKET ISSUESRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
10/17/1426473Ebby Leasing 2014RE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC3
10/10/1427595CMA's in NTREIS MatrixRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
10/06/1426808NTREIS Matrix 101RE CE ElectiveAlamo Title Company2
10/02/1426835The Power to Generating Quality LeadsRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
08/21/14411REAL ESTATE FINANCE IQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30
08/07/14322PROMULGATED CONTRACTS FORMS 0322Qualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30
07/31/141200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30
07/24/141111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30
07/17/14112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30
07/10/14111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsReal Estate Training and Technology Licensing School30