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  • Ongoing Fraud: There's Another Scheme License Holders Should Be Aware Of

    The Texas Real Estate Commission is assisting the Texas Land Title Association (TLTA) in educating license holders of trending fraud schemes. 

  • ESAC reviews rule language, recommends 30-hour brokerage course for sales agents

    The Texas Real Estate Commission's Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met April 3.

    ESAC addressed comments received regarding proposed changes to 22 §TAC 535.64, Content Requirements for Qualifying Real Estate Courses.  TREC staff clarified that the rule proposal simply cleans up the rule language to remove the references to topics required for each course, rather, pointing specifically to each qualifying course approval form to define content. 

  • What to expect at Houston May 16 TREC meeting

    The Texas Real Estate Commission is stepping out of its Austin headquarters to pay Houston a visit. On May 16, the Commission will meet at 9 a.m. inside the Century Ballroom II of the DoubleTree by Hilton-Houston Greenway Plaza. 

  • Appointees officially confirmed to the Texas Real Estate Commission

    Headshots of Chance Brown, Renee Harvey Lowe, Stuart Bernstein. They are TREC's newest members.

    The Texas Real Estate Commission is pleased to welcome three new members. Chance Brown, Renee Harvey Lowe, and Stuart Bernstein were confirmed by the Texas Senate on April 26, 2023. Texas Governor Greg Abbott appointed them for terms set to expire on January 31, 2029. 

    Harvey Lowe and Brown will both serve as broker members, Bernstein will serve as a public member of TREC.


  • Message From TREIC Chair Lee Warren-April '23

    The Inspector Committee met on April 18, and there were a number of items that were discussed. Starting off the meeting, Mike Morgan was elected as the Vice Chair to fill the vacancy from Scott Regan. 

  • TREIC April Meeting Recap: New Evaluation Form, Licensing Rule

    TREC staff sitting at a table with TREIC members at the April 18 Inspector Committee meeting.

    The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met April 18.

  • Broker Responsibility Working Group April meeting recap includes proposed rule changes

    The Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) met April 12.

  • New Process to Streamline Advertising Complaints

    Around 1% of Texas Real Estate Commission license holders are the subject of a complaint, and in 2022, slightly more than 5% of all complaints received by TREC were related to advertising issues.

  • Don’t Get Tricked by These Recent Rental Scams

    It sounds like an ideal scenario if you’re a landlord or listing agent for a residential lease: A licensed sales agent submits a prospective tenant’s application to you with proof of a clean background check and great credit report. But is that tenant’s agent making life easier for you, or is it a scam?

  • What Every License Holder Needs to Know About Going Inactive

    An unexpected illness, a new opportunity, a change in the market, or a change in your personal life: These are all common reasons why Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) license holders may take a break from the business.

    Whether your break is planned or unexpected, setting your sales agent, broker, or inspector license to inactive status before your renewal or renewing as inactive is the best move if you want return to the real estate business in the future. Here’s why.


  • From the Chair - May 2018

    The Commission held its regular quarterly meeting on Monday, May 7 at our HQ in Austin.

  • From The Executive Director - Inspectors - April 2018

    It’s been a busy start of the year for the Commission. I traveled around the state in March as part of our Agency’s biennial strategic planning listening tour. This allowed me to receive input first hand from license holders across the state about issues that impact them directly. Tony Slagle, the agency’s inspector staff liaison visited a local chapter of an inspector trade association to discuss concerns and answer their questions. This is something staff is committed to doing more often.

  • From the Chair - Inspector Committee - March 2018

    The Inspector Committee met on Monday, February 26 at the agency headquarters in Austin.

  • From the Chair - March 2018

    The Commission held its regular quarterly business meeting on Monday February 12th during the Texas Association of REALTORS Winter meeting in Austin, and we offered real estate continuing education (CE) hours for attendance, so we had a number of extra license holders join us that day.  The Commissioners re-elected Commissioner Arriaga as Vice-Chair and Commissioner TJ Turner as Secretary for the next 12 months.

  • From the Chair - Inspector Committee - February 2018

    The Inspector Committee met in Austin on January 22nd to discuss a packed agenda. Several inspectors made the trip to Austin for this meeting.  I would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and I appreciate your important input.

  • From the Executive Director - February 2018

    As the next Commission meeting on Monday February 12th rapidly approaches, there are several issues that loom large and we need to emphasize.  First, this is our year for both strategic planning and rule review, so we will be discussing opportunities to remove any identified barriers or red tape that hinders or

  • From The Executive Director - Inspectors - January 2018

    It was a busy year for the Inspector Committee on the education front. The major accomplishment for the committee was completing the much-needed revision on the SOP Legal and Ethics continuing education coursework, which became mandatory as of September 1 of last year.

  • From the Executive Director - January 2018

    Happy New Year! It’s January and 2018 promises to be filled with important activity. Even numbered years are always a time when the agency must update our 5-Year Strategic Plan and so that means we will have some significant opportunities for additional targeted input from our license holders and the public on general topics and specific areas of current interest.  Look for a list of topics and a schedule of Listening Tour events to be published in February.

  • From the Chair - December 2017

    The Commission met on November 13th for its regular quarterly meeting and it was one of the most productive – and lengthy – that we have had for many years.  Despite its length, we recognized recent accomplishments and achieved some major milestones that we have been working on for over two years.  We began by ratifying a very generous set of accommodations implemented in response to the unprecedented impact of Hurricane Harvey.  Up to six full months of deadline extensions are ava

  • From the Chair - Inspector Committee - December 2017

    The Inspector Committee met in Austin on October 9th and for the first time, the meeting was available to be viewed online in real time. This allowed license holders and members of the public to view the meeting live. This was an initial test run to see if streaming the meeting will be practical. No decision has yet been made about future streaming as TREC staff is continuing to explore options.

  • New Commission Appointments Announced

    AUSTIN, TX - Governor Abbott has appointed three new members to the Texas Real Estate Commission; broker members, Jan Fite Miller and DeLora Wilkinson and a public member Micheal Williams with terms set to expire January 31, 2023. These new members will join the Commission for its next regular quarterly meeting in Austin on November 13, 2017. 

  • Testing Provider Closing Testing Centers Due To Hurricane

    Due to Hurricane Harvey, our testing provider, Pearson Vue, will be closing some of the sites in Texas over the next few days.  Site closures keep coming in, and they are reaching out to all candidates via email to let them know that their appointment will need to be rescheduled. 

    Be sure to reach out to our testing provider, Pearson Vue with any questions you may have. 

  • TREC Receives ARELLO Communications Award

    The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce that the agency’s completely redesigned website has been recognized for excellence by the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO) with a 2017 Communication Award.  ARELLO is an international organization of real estate licensing agencies and individuals involved with regulation of the real estate industry globally.

  • Sale of Equitable Interests in Real Estate Clarified

    Governor Abbott Has Signed SB 2212

    SB 2212 amends Chapter 1101 to codify the clarifying changes to TREC rules regarding sale of certain equitable interests in real property. 

  • Examination Board Announces Role Study

    Written By: Paul Staron - Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors

  • Senate Confirms Appointments of Commission Members

    TREC is pleased to announce the Senate confirmation of Governor Abbott's appointments to the Commission on May 21, 2017. Broker member Bob Leonard of San Antonio, broker member Rayito Stephens of Houston and public member TJ Turner of Austin.

    The appointees will continue to serve the Commission and consumers of Texas until their terms expire. Read more on each of these appointees and the Commission on our "About the Commission" page.

  • What documents are required to renew my Business Entity Broker license?

    Information you need to know to renew your Business Entity Broker license.


